
My training routine changed immensely, after I put on the weights. I couldn't run a quarter of the way I did before, but was even more exhausted after it. The first week was terribly painful.

Muscles in my entire body ached and pulsated, like they were about to give in and tear, but I forced myself to go even further. Challenging my brother to several days of training with me motivated me, I was able to measure my progress way better that way.

Well, the first days had negative progress. The way I was able to run got shorter and shorter, but then, after the first three days - it went up again.

The same muscles that ached earlier were less painful, the recovery of stamina went faster. This effect got even better to days six and seven, until Klaus told me to take a one day break, then start again. He also told me to repeat this for two months and to join Gus after the first one, because he was about to go somewhere.

I asked where he was going, but he didn't want to answer, so in the end I gave up.

Training started on a friday, so the break day was set to be sunday. This worked quite well, because my mother was off work on sundays and could teach me to read again.

This sunday I am going to Gus again, maybe play a few games with him. But first, I went to get a bath. The training today was tiring and I sweat a lot, so I don't want to go to bed like that. Especially because my brothers share my room.

This was going to change in a few years, father promised. As soon as the new rooms are finished we were allowed to choose one of them as our own.

Bathing was easy in this castle, there were pretty big bathrooms and there were only few people using them. Maids and servants were allowed to use it wednesday and sunday, so I was fine today.

I entered an empty bath, washed myself, then sunk into the water and relaxed. Closing my eyes, focussing on entirely nothing and breathing slowly was really refreshing. The warm water felt pleasant and cozy, which is probably why I fell asleep in there.

Wouldn't it be for Christopher, I would've been sleeping here for a few hours! I wonder what my skin would look like after it... But I don't want to unnecessarily risk it.

After leaving the bath I got myself dry and put clothes on. I prepared pajamas before, so I slipped in them, then left to my room. It was kind of childish, but I liked this thing a lot, so the looks and giggles I get from the maids I pass are completely irrelevant. Let me keep my little ducklings!

The stairs to my room are climbed pretty quick, then I open our door to find the room empty. It is pretty early to sleep, but I expected someone to be here nonetheless. Well, I'll just go to sleep anyway.

As I woke up, my body was full of energy - probably expecting a morning run. Instead I go and get breakfast, this time I take my time. I sit down, get some milk, cereals, bread and a two eggs. I eat normally, just taking a pause doesn't mean wasting my time, right?

Empty bowls cleaned and put away, I was ready to go. I left a note on the table, saying that I am off to Gus house, then left.

It was a pretty bright and warm day, so I walked slowly. Meanwhile I looked at the surrounding plants, the flowers and the pigeons gathering near the fountain. Even though I did walk slow, the way was still short, so I reached Gus house in no time. The door was closed for the first time I was here.

Feeling a bit thrown off balance, I knock on the door. No one opens, even after repeating for five times. Are they still sleeping? Hm, I will come back in a few hours, I will just read a book I borrowed then.

My way home was less exciting, so I went a bit faster. Oh, running without these weights is so much easier! The castle was still mostly empty, many were still sleeping, so maids didn't really had much to do and gathered in the garden. I sneaked into my room, took my book from my bed then left again.

I sat down and read the book in the dining room, as my usual seat - my bed - is not available for me right now. At least if I don't want to wake my brothers up.