
Iris pulled a small pill out, where from was unknown. She told me to be ready for some immense pain, in both mental and physical ways. To be ready to be confronted with the strongest desires of living beings.

I nodded and took the pill. At first nothing changed, but the sudden darkness was different from casual darkness. It smelled colder, felt heavier and tasted like sulfur. This was the aura of a demon, totally.

A small light appeared, but I suppressed the instinct to got there. Never follow a demons guidance!

Then the whole room lighted up. It was the room where that happened. Anger came up, I let it fill me, to stay calm in long terms. Suppressing feelings only makes them stronger.

Gus appears. Not the Gus I knew, but the demon Gus, begging for his death. Making that gargling sound, as I refuse to kill him this time, he stands up and laughs. Pictures of him killing humans in the future appear, but they aren't true, my instincts tell me.

I don't react, except patting his shoulder and asking him to leave Gus alone. The demon growls and screams as it leaves Gus alone. Next up was the thing I imagined to be the most painful.

I was right.

I was set in the body of my brother, as he raped Gus wife. As he made her scream from agony under his fists, his body. I feel disgust, but use my sense of smell to recognize the one doing this to be my brother. It works a bit, but still doesn't convince this illusion to let me go.

Gus luckily screams out my brothers name, releasing me from the prison of disgust and despair I just entered. A sword appears, I cannot see it, as it went dark again, but I feel around for the runes. It says 'Prison of Despair' on one side, as the other one side says 'Editor: Cecil'. The only thing left for me to do was wait. I shut down all senses that I didn't need, such as my eyes and taste.

After a very long time of waiting, I think about the possibility not to get out of here, to have failed. I drive that thought aside and begin to train. If I have time here, then I can also train here!

As soon as I start running the darkness is lifted, the smell and feel leaves me aswell. Lying down on the thighs of the queen. I stand up faster than I ever did, apparently waking her up.

Iris eyes looked at me very surprisedly. I wonder and turn my head to see what might be wrong. Well, I can tell at least one thing new, but this doesn't solve anything at all.

Why are there crystal clear wings on my back? I can even move them! Why do they waver in apperance? Sometimes more visible, then invisible once again?

The Queen rushes away and comes back a few seconds later, with a mirror. My face light blue streaks on it. The same that once were on my chest, the ones that sealed parts of my magic.

Was something else sealed now? Was I simply not strong enough for something yet?

The only change I felt was the voice in my head. I ask Iris about it.

Ce:" Hey Iris, what happened to me? And what is that voice inside me, telling me things?"

My ethereal voice surprised me, but at the end of the sentence the effect was lighter.

I:" You seem to be the only one that succeeded the old fairy kings challenge. The one inhabiting his abilities."

Ce:" His abilities? What was he able to do?"

I:" Aside from being able to bless weaponry, healing people and having a magical level of empathy, he was a fierce force in battle. His swords were all legendary, even the ones he used only once."

He also used swords?

Ce:" Did he have anything my body might not be able to handle yet?"

I:" Many things actually. Healing other people means that you take their damage, blessing weapons means giving them a part of your strength. Such as using his swords, probably."

Ce:" Using his swords?"

I:" No one could even touch his swords without getting the blue lines you currently have, most of them died the second they touched them."

So basically he allowed me to touch his swords, but bewares me from dying of their power. Thank you unknown fairy king.

Ce:" How am I supposed to train my body further?"

I:" Just like you did up to now, just in larger scales. Lifting yourself up a few hundred times shouldn't be a problem without breathing before you even think about using his weapons"

She cannot be serious. My inner voice tells me that she is. Damn, this will be a long road.

Ce:" How long will that take me? Can I even live that long?"

I:" You lifespan is... How do I put this... Only limited by the battles you fight. I doubt any elf or human is able to kill you. Demons are, for sure"