The jade dragon

So after our boats broke, we had to swim first. Some of our soldiers get eaten by the dragon, before we are able to reach the shore.

Luckily, we didn't lose any important units or supplies, as we left them behind, but the loss will still be felt. We are going to war after all.

As we climbed out of the water, the dragon got further outside of the water, revealing green and white scales. Wouldn't it be a seriously dangerous creature, then I would've been mesmerized.

Uncoordinated, after being hit by an unexpected threat, the soldiers split up and ran. Cowardly, but also very intelligent. A dragon is nowhere close to mess with as a human, for an entire elven army it was still hard enough to beat one.

Ironically, I didn't feel any threat with my instincts. They tell me to go greet it and ask for entrance.

Ce:" Hey, mister dragon! Would you let us in please?"

The dragon growled and flinged its tail at me. Mentally prepared I was able to dodge, but the wind pressure still cuts my legs a bit. Ah shit.

Ce:" So, I know we don't have an appointment and invaded your territory without reason, but just killing us is barbaric!"

It looked at me sharply, but stopped attacking for a bit. Until a dumb dismissed general decided to attack it first. Why would you -

Dragon:" Foolish humans! Your leader asks for forgiveness and you ignore him!"

Yep, the general wasn't amused. He did scream though. Might be because of fun, or because he is casually falling from around four hundred meters after being thrown upwards, who knows?

Expelling him won't be necessary, I think - just as his head lands on the waters surface and smashes open. Oh hey! He DOES have a brain! Seemingly just unused, then.

Ce:" Thank you for cleansing my army from such a mutt. He had troubles listening from the very beginning"

D:" You need to be more violent, gain more respect. Your army is in shatters after just my appearance and some illusionary magic."

Ce:" I know, we are still at the start of our journey. Are you letting us through so we can get on?"

D:" I wonder. That is not up for me to decide - I am only the first hurdle after all."

I think about how I could convince him, but there is only one real conclusion that comes to my mind.

Ce:" Would you let me through? I doubt any of them is capable of taking the tests after"

The dragon laughs, I don't know if that is a bad or good thing, but I remark it as positive. He did guide me for the rest of the way, after all.

After we passed the trees cutting off this river, we see a mountain range. I could swear that this mountain was not visible before passing those trees. The forest around the mountain were calm, but had a dangerous atmosphere. I doubt I would get through here without the dragon.

Dragons are not good at guiding people, I notice a few hours later. We were lost inside the forests, time for me to take over. I climb up a near tree, then search for hints.

There were a few torches near the mountain, but the biggest hint was probably the gigantic tunnel behind them. I start guiding the dragon, asking for his name, talking a bit.

The few minutes of talking later, I already had a good impression. His name was Catalyt and his life was... boring as hell. His family runs the rivers guard here, working for the dwarves. Damn, that has to be more boring than being stuck inside the royal castle. A slight bit of pity comes up.

Shortly before we reached the tunnel the dragon told his goodbyes and leaves. He might not be allowed to enter.

I enter the dark tunnel, fighting off bats and a few scorpions. Can't they keep their entrance clean?!

Around ummm.... One eternity later - I feel another presence in the tunnel. Also, a light appears. The presence was in the opposite direction than the light, so I will not be fooled!

Was what I thought whilst running face first into a wall. The presence was in this direction, so I insisted on going there. Using my force trying to open something inexistent, using swords to cut them open.

The thing that actually worked was turning for around 90 degrees to the left, making me able to see a door. Damn. Hopefully no one saw that.

I ignore the bad feeling and open the door, recognizing my mistake while I faint.

Dwarves are able to enchant metals.