My fight was started by trying to end it at fast as possible. I already saw Servve getting blocked for the entire fight, so I try to gain control before he puts his guard up.
I fail entirely, not only does my strike get blocked, but I get forced to jump to dodge his one. His guard is up now. I don't see a single opening. Brute foce was an option, so I tried to overwhelm him with my strength.
Tohrin does go down a bit, but his shield is still up. After going down all the way he could, he rushed up and bumped my sword away. I now was now left without a weapon, so Tohrin started going offensive. His hits were slow, but I knew that one hit would crush me.
After around seven dodged hits, I slide to his side and kick his ankle, but once again - my plan got interrupted. I did get him to stumble, but it only got me enough time to get my weapon back. I look at it with despair then throw it away. There is no way I hit him with that.
I run for a bit, then take an unused hammer. Deriving my new tactic from his, I try to dodge and then hit him. I throw the hammer up a bit for a few times to get a feeling for it.
Tohrin was still on guard, so I have to go first. I feign a strike to his left, then as he lifts his shield up, I let go of the hammer and hit his other side. The first hit was mine. That I got hit with his shield right after was... Unlucky.
I stumble forward, get my grip back slidingly then look at him again. Basically untouched. The fight went on like this for longer than I imagined. The other fights all stopped and they gathered around us. Every time I try to get a hit off, the crowd cheered, every time I got blocked they cheered.
The crowd had no favourite in this fight. Only two friends fighting to their best.
Hitting his shield for estimatedly infinite times, I get really pissed off. Dude, stop. This is not ending.
I refuse to lose after such a long fight. Absolutely refuse!
Tohrin had the same thought, as he looked angrier aswell. This has to end soon.
At that moment, after such a long time, my summoning magic is being activated again. A very heavy greatsword appears. The upper end was bigger than the lower, the handle was big enough for both hands. The specialty? It's cutting edges were not sharp at all. I remember to read it's title.
'Battering ram of the stubborn'.
Hell yes. This would somehow give me a chance to open his defenses, even if not for long. I pick up my normal sword aswell, in a feeling that it will be useful.
The crowd gasped as they saw the sword appear. That had to be the leprechaun half, the others already knew about it. Laurin looked really interested in the weapon.
I decided on showing him its features. Walking up to Tohrin, dragging it along with me on the ground. I didn't want to waste any strength. As I got into range, I swing the sword up, aiming for Tohrins side and his shield instead of his body. His shield would interrupt me, so the further away his shield got from his body, the less strength he could use.
I swing the ram... ram sword? And hit his shield. The sword breaks and I feel a lot of strength leaving my body. Favourable that I picked up the other sword, especially since the shield is flying off to somewhere. I can't even see it at this time. Wait, it got dark again? How long were we fighting for?!
This had to be the end, I draw my sword and use the widest slash I ever learned. Tohrin uses his hammer to block, but he flinches. His hammer gets dragged with my sword, so the side is open again. I turn and use the back of my foot to kick his head.
I used more strength than I wanted to, so Tohrin ends up flying into a bench. His armor protected him, so he stood up, taps the dirt off and bows in my direction.
T:" Very well fought, warrior. I admit my defeat."
I lift my arms up in victory. Cheers get loud and Laurin gets onto the arena. He picks me up and throws me towards the leprechaun crowd. They catch me, luckily since I had quite the momentum, then proceed to throw me up and cheering even louder.
Was this some kind of victory celebration? I suppose so, I did beat their best fighter just now after all.
I just lay back, relax and let the exhaustion hit me. Oh god, no way to do anything but sleep and eat anymore. I just don't have the strength.
The leprechaun army proved even stronger than I thought. If they used enchanted equipment, I would have to use all of summoned swords to beat Tohrin, maybe I would get another one before falling unconcsious. The rest of the human army would simply get obliterated, the elven army would only take a few out aswell.
This is one hell of an ally.