His real family? // War

As my healing process was going very fast, I determine the date of my full health as the time I would ask them about that symbol, about what happened.

First, I need to fully heal. The medicine they gave me helps tremendously, but I have problems keeping it in me, because of its taste. It is seriously bad.

Three days later I am already back to training, because the elder left the village for a few days. So instead of letting this time go to waste, I rather train. The villages tasks are quite useful to do that too. Farming and carrying logs, running and hunting, such as building and fighting.

Around noon, where I finish the house I was working on, the elder comes back. I immediately walk up to him to ask, but he silences me with his hand. He tells me to follow him, so he could explain.

We cross the village, now full of life again, a market and music fills the streets. It has a way better feeling than the royal capital does. Could this have been how the capital was back then?

We reach the end of the village, at which a small staircase out of stone is placed. The deeper we follow it, the brighter it gets. Brighter? Is this some kind of artificial lighting? It is a bit too bright for candles...

We stop at a wooden door, with golden ornaments. Once again, the old royal symbol. We enter the room and it is filled with books, scrolls and a few weapons. They seem too well made for past times, but also too clean to be used recently. Are those artifacts?

Elder:" So. Child, you probably noticed until now. We are indeed the past royal family. What you see here are records, memories and artifacts of the past kingdom."

C:"... Was the city back then..."

E:" Yes. It was just as beatiful as this village. No one above anyone else, everyone doing their job. But the male side of the royal marriage back then was... Well, greedy."

C:" My father."

E:" I wouldn't be too sure. Only one of the three princes was actually that of the current king. His wife left him a long time ago, only stayed to protect their children"

C:" ... Do you know the names?"

E:" I know the oldest one, Christian. The Queen visited us after he was born and told us. He was the son of Judd. You already saw him. Brown hair, our eyes."

C:" The one who guarded me"

E:" Exactly. He is also the father of... One of you two. You both have the hair of your mother, so we don't know, which one you are."

C:" Does that really matter? The other one is a brutal and also dead human."

E:" Hm, it doesn't. But I doubt you actually don't care."

I think about it a bit. My father was not the king. Not even remotely. He might have been a part in my genes, but that's it. My father... Did I really have one? Wert was the closest one. But I still couldn't feel the warmth of a father from him.

At that moment the decision to free my mother and take her here was fastened. Also an idea sproutet, the idea to take the old kingdom back. To dethrone the nobles.

C:" Can't we take the kingdom back?"

E:" Did you see our numbers kid?"

C:" Yes but what about all the commoners-"

It struck my like a lightning. We could just gather followers out of the commoners. None of them will like to be treated like mud. Correction, almost none. But how do I...

C:" I can gather commoners. I am a prince, they wouldn't doubt me at all, gathering a few thousand of them to a project in the mountains wouldn't be much of a problem"

E:" How would we nourish them? Train them?"

C:" I can get Wert here... And we can get food out of town, I can just order it."

E:" Wert? The arcane elven prince?"

Now that I think about it. He couldn't use magic, but he only told me. He also understood elven runes and he did know about my eyes aswell....

C:" I think so, yes."

E:" Has he given you anything?!"

I remember the book he gave me. I sprint back to the infirmary and take it out. In a rush I bump into three villagers, apologize and run faster. I get back into the room and give the book to the elder.

He opens it, reads the first pages and grins. The grin evolves more and more into a smile until he begins to laugh.

E:" Boy, you might just have initialized a revolution."

I look over his shoulder to read aswell, it turns out that the elven kingdom liked the old human leaders better aswell. They ensured total assistance in a fight against the nobility.

Quite a frightening ally, to be said. The elves won every past war by a landslide. Demons cannot attack without allies in the enemies army, so against the collective of elves, they are close to useless. Humans simply cannot match their magic, so it is really favorable that elves don't like war.

The next years are going to be meetings with elves and training. This war will have the best conditions I can get.

C:" Do you have a measurement orb here?"