The day everything changed

I was kneeling in front of my mother's grave. The scenery was beautiful. She loved this view on top of the cliff behind villa. You can see the pale blue sky and can hear the sound of the waves splashing below. Her last wish was to be buried here where she can forever see the scenery.

I was there seeking refuge. My whole world collapsed that night. The man I loved resents me to death. Why is this happening to me. While my tears flow none stop I felt someone standing behind my back. Her shadow is overshadowing my body, like I will seize to exist.

"So you are here Jill." said by a sweet voice. When I turned around I saw her, my stepsister Julia.

"Julia, please help me. Help me explain to Shawn that I didn't do it. I didn't cheat on him." I said while kneeling on the ground holding her feet and begging.

She just gave me a sweet smile. I don't know what to think but I felt a chill behind that smile. "Sister, Shawn saw you and Brad sleeping together on a hotel bed both naked. How can he believe that you are not cheating? Even if I say that, he will not believe me" Julia said.

"No!" I shouted. "I didn't know what happen. Yesterday night we were having my bridal shower. After drinking some vodka I felt light headed and passed out. Then I just woke up there on the hotel bed with you and Shawn entering the door. Please believe me, I didn't do anything."

"I know that you didn't do anything wrong." said Julia. So she believes me. I was beginning to be hopeful. With Julia vouching for me I am sure Shawn will slowly believe me.

"Oh Julia, thank you. I'm not sure but I suspect that my drink was drugged. I have a high alcohol tolerance and I won't get drunk that easily. Someone wants to ruin me." I told Julia while wiping my tears. I began to smile when I heard her laughing so hard. That laugh gave me goosebumps.

"Oh my dear sister you are so naive. Until now you don't suspect me?" Julia said while laughing. I was shocked. I look at her wide eyed. She was the one that drugged me? No, that can't be! But why, why will she do that?

As if hearing what I was thinking she answered. "Because I want everything that you have. Everything that's yours should be mine!"

I was shocked in silence. I don't know what to say. I have loved her as a real sister. When she and her mother arrived in my life I was happy to have a family because it was just me and my father after mother died.

"I will tell you a little secret my sweet little sister. I am your half sister." Julia said while looking down on me her long mahogany hair flowing like waves on the wind. Half sister, but how? Does that mean my father and step mother had an affair? Julia and I had only a few months difference in age. She was much older than me by six months.

I was doing the math when she interrupted my thoughts. "It was your mother that got in the way of my mom and our dad. They were childhood sweet hearts. They grew up together and fell in love with each other. Your mother ruined everything!" Julia shouted. I was stunned. My mother in my memory is the most sweet and caring. Having that gentle smile. She has ivory skin, blue eyes like the sky and blonde hair just like gold against the sun. Many said I have inherited her features. Her old friends all say that I am look like her every time I grow. That mother that always gave me a sweet smile, I can't imagine her stealing my dad away from his lover. I just can't

"No, she can't do that. Mom will never do that!" I shouted. "Oh you think your mother is an angel? Well look at the facts!" Julia said. She's right, Julia is much older than me and I was a honeymoon baby as my mom used to tease dad. Many questions started to spin in my head. I was confused, shocked, and also afraid. Afraid not that I will lose everything but afraid that I will lose what I treaure the most.

"My beloved sister. I want all you have. Your money, your life, your love". I was shocked the girl that I had loved like a real sister was hiding her true intentions, schemed all this time.

"You can have everything! The money my life all of it. But please don't take Shawn away from me. He is my whole life." I was pleading, begging her. Tears have begun to flow once more. Shawn was my love and my life. He is everything to me. I remember his features, that black slick hair, his dark blue eyes, and perfectly toned body. We had grew up together. We were getting married in just a few days. Why did this have to happen? Holding her feet I looked up at her.

Julia half smirked at her "I am sorry sister but I have loved him as much as you. I have planned for a long time for this day, my mother and I both planned for this. Now everything you own will be mine!" Jill heard Julia laughing so evil. I don't know what got into me. Complete rage overcome me. I stood up and slapped Julia hard in the face. "You bitch!!" she shouted.

We started to fight. I got scratched here and there. I pulled here hair and she pulled mine. We didn't notice that we were on the edge of the cliff when I heard a voice shouting. I will recognize that voice a mile away, it was him my love Shawn. "Jill, Julia!" he shouted. I wasn't thinking of anything but to run at him and embrace him. I want to tell him everything that was just said.

But then I felt a strong force hit me. The next thing I knew I was hanging at edge of the cliff holding on. I looked up and saw Julia. She was holding me by the arm. "Jillian! Jillian! Julia hold her, don't let her go!" I can hear Shawn shouting.

I looked at Julia pleadingly. She gave me an innocent smile. "I'm sorry sister but I guess this is goodbye." she said. Her innocent smile changed into a devilish smile. My grip on the edge has been pulled. I looked at her with fear and shock. I saw a glimpse of Shawn, just a glimpse. My heart sank. The man I love, my life. The fall look like it took forever.

My life passed before my eyes. 'So this is how you die' I thought. Feelings of love and confusion swirled in my head and heart. All my life I thought I was loved. But now I see I was all alone. My father might not have loved my mother, he was indifferent to me all this time. But he was never short on giving me the material things. My step mother and sister has been fooling me with their fake love and just wanted all what I had. The love of my life that I thought will be the person closest to me didn't believe in me and called me a slut and a whore.

'Maybe this is for the best. I am alone in this life, might as well just end it.' I thought. Then I head a loud splash, I felt like hitting a concrete floor. My body ached all over. Then I felt cold. My lungs started to burned, I was sinking. The last thing I saw was the light of the sun, slowing fading and getting darker. 'Oh God, is this my fate? Is this my end?'