Amnesia 1

I opened the door of my hotel suite. I entered the spacious room and took a seat on the sofa. My head is staring to hurt.

"Queenie you just arrived?" Andrea asked coming out from her room. "What's the matter, headache?"

I nodded at her. She entered my room. After a bit she got out with a bottle of pills in her hand. She took one and have it to me.

"Thanks." I said. She took the pitcher of water at the table side and poured it on a glass and gave it to me. I drank the pill in one gulp.

"You drank alcohol?" Andrea asked.

"Um, just a bit." I smiled. I know I'm going to have a scolding from her.

"Queenie! You know you can't take strong alcohol. If you like to drink you can only drink champagne with little alcohol content. Your head will act up if you don't listen to what the doctor says." Andrea scolds me.

"Aww Andrea it's just a little. An insy winsy bit." I act like a spoiled child hugging her.

"Oh Queenie, if Troy was here he will give you a huge scolding." Andrea said.

"Pleas don't tell him, please. He's a little stingy you know, so strict." I pout at Andrea and pleading.

"Okay but promise me no alcohol." Andrea strictly said.

"Only champagne?" I bargained. My fashion show is tomorrow so there will be definitely gonna be a few drinks.

Andrea sighed. "Alright, but champagne only."

"Yey." I rejoiced feeling triumphant.

"Speaking of Troy. Have you seen the breaking news?" Andrea asked.

"Hmm, what news." I asked.

Andrea passed me the tab with the article on screen. Headline was 'Troy Versales rumored to be gettig engages with his adopted sister'. I can't believe what I'm seeing. I hurriedly get my phone from my purse and dialed Troy's number.

After a few rings a familiar voice answered. "Queenie? Took you long to call." Troy said jokingly.

"Oh you're the one to talk. What about this engagement business I see in the headlines?" I ask.

"Well it is said 'rumored' right." he said.

"Oh stop being sarcastic. I just left your side once and you're still overprotective." I said while giggling. "What will your 'girlfriends' think of this?" I emphasized on the girlfriends.

"Oh come now Queenie. You know for this past 8 years there was no one besides you." Troy said to me. My heart started to flutter. Troy was my angel. He was the one beside me on my worst times. 8 years ago when I opened my eyes he was the first one I saw. That time I don't remember anything. Not my name, myself or my past. Everything was blank.


It was dark. I can't see anything. I felt my whole body was heavy. I can't move a muscle. I don't know how long I was like that, maybe weeks, days, months, or even years.

Then out of nowhere I saw a dim light from afar. Slowly it became bigger and bigger. Until I can hear a voice. Was it calling for me?

"Miss. Miss, are you awake?" a voice of a man asks. Heavily I open my eyes. The light blinded me for a second buy my eyes adjusted to the brightness. In front of me is a man. What I first saw was his green eyes. They were beautiful like emeralds. Then I looked at his face. He has fair skin and light brown hair. His face is traced with a masculinity of a man but so beautiful for a man to have such face.

"Are you an angel?" was what I blurted out in a daze. The man giggled at me.

"If you wish, I can be your personal angel from now on." he replied to me jokingly.

I came to my senses and felt that I shouldn't have said that. I blushed and felt embarrassed.

A man wearing a doctor's coat came near me. "Hello. I'm Dr. Stephens. Let me check you." he said. I nodded still in a daze.

The doctor made a routine check up on me like pointed his small pocket light in my eyes, checked my throat and ears etc. "Do you feel any pain in any bod parts?" the doctor asked me.

I gauged my body to feel it. "I feel my body is heavy. And my head hurts." I replied to him. 'Come to think of it, where am I' I wonder. I looked around and there was also a nurse in the room. It looks like I'm in a hospital room.

"Okay." the doctor wrote something in the paper that he is holding. "It is normal for your body to feel heavy. You have been in a coma for the last three months. Your muscles has forgot to move. Just with a little therapy and you can move freely again." the doctor said. He looked at the angel and said "I will perscribe her some pain medication for her headache. It is normal that she will have sudden migraine attacks. Her head had damage in her fall. It is fortunate that it wasn't so severe."

I blinked my eyes confused. 'I was in a coma? A had a fall and at head damage? But why and how?' I thought to myself. Then I realized that I can't remember anything, not even my own name. I started to panic.

"Um miss are you okay?" the angel asked me. "My name is Troy by the way. May I know yours?"

"I-I can't remember." I said panicking. "Why, why can't I remember anything?" tears starts to fall from my eyes.

Troy looked at me concerned. "Doctor?" he said.

The doctor looked at me for a bit and checked me again. "It looks like because of the head trauma she got from the fall she now has amnesia." the doctor gestured to the nurse then the nurse nodded and left the room.

Troy looked at me in concern. I was in a daze. I have no memory of anything what will happen to me? I was panicking and I started to breath heavily.

"Don't worry I'm here. I will help you. I promised to be your angel, right?" Troy said to me with a smile to comfort me and held my hand gently.

I wiped my tears. 'Why do I feel relieved with just the words of this stranger?' I asked myself. I feel so empty inside but with the words of this stranger hope bloomed in my heart.

I smiled at him. "My angel?" I asked him.

"Yes, I will be your angel. Your only personal angel." he gave me a warm smile that faded my doubts.

The nursed returned with a syringe. The doctor get the syringe from her and injected it to my IV drop. "I'll give her this to let her calm down and rest." the doctor said. I felt my eyelids go heavy.

"No, I don't want to sleep." I said looking at Troy. I don't want to go back to that dark place again. I feel the grip of Troy to my hand to tighten. "Don't worry, I'll be here beside you whole your sleeping. I will also be here when you wale up." he said to me.

I felt comforted from what he said. Then i succumbed to sleepiness.