The big event 2

The show was about to start. I was seating besides Shawn. I was starting to become a little bit nervous. 'Well I am still human.' I thought to myself. I have made many fashion shows these past 4 years but this is the first time I'm making my appearance known to public.

Shawn saw me. He gently held my hand. "Nervous?" he asked.

"A bit." I said shyly.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." he reassured me.

Those magic words 'Everything will be alright' it feels so much more coming from his mouth. In the past Shawn was my pillar of support. Always there to help me. That's why when that incident happened, when my pillar of hope crumbled, my world shattered and I felt I fell on a deep abyss.

I smiled at him. "Well I better get going back stage. I wouldn't want Mark to come here and drag me there." I joked. Shawn giggled.

I stood up and walked towards the back.

At the back I saw Andrea giving last minute instruction.

"Andrea." I called out to her. Andrea saw me and approached.

"Ms. Queenie, everything is according to plan." she said to me.

I smiled mischievously. "Then that's great." I said. "Call all the models for me please."

Andrea nodded and left. After a while all the models gather before me. I saw Julia standing at the back wearing a sour face. I smiled.

"Thank you all for being here today. As you all know I have been conducting many fashion shows for past 4 years. But this will the first time I'm making an appearance to the public. I hope to work with you well tonight and in the future to come. Thank you for being here." I said while giving them a sincere bow.

All of the models clapped and also thanked me. My heart was filled with happiness. Revenge aside, fashion has been my passion since 8 years ago. In the past as Jill I took a course in business management because of my fathers wishes. To please him I have studied and worked hard and believed what I was doing was what I wanted. But in my new life I found my true passion and calling.

"Thank you Queenie for selecting us for this show. In behalf of all the people here I am giving you our sincere gratitude. This means much to us having to present your fashion line." Mark said with tears.

I hugged him. I never thought that Mark would be such a cry baby. "The pleasure is all mine. And I am sure to be working with you in the future as well." I said. "I will take up a residence here in N city and continue my work here. I hope you accept me." I smiled.

"You are more than welcome here Queenie." Mark said with a smile.

At the back Julia was cringing with anger. 'She's thinking on living here? I can't let her steal Shawn away from me.' Julia thought. By that time I wasn't aware that she was starting her own schemes as well.


The fashion show is on it's finale. It has been a long night. I was sitting beside Shawn all thru the show.

The music was a little loud. Then I felt Shawn came close, his breath close to my ears. I cringed and tensed up.

"After the show do you have any plans?" Shawn whispered to my ear sweetly. I blushed with the closeness.

"They are planning a party after this. Some drinks and food I guess?" I said shyly.

"Then after that would you like to go with me?" Shawn asked. "I want to show you something."

I nodded in agreement. 'It will be great if Julia saw us get out of the party together. I'm sure she can't sleep the whole night.' I thought to myself.

Shawn smiled at me and held my hand. The heat from his hand warmed mine. The Jill that was buried deep in my heart started to emerge. The feelings that I have forgotten a long time ago is starting to be remembered. I pinched my self secretly. 'Jill this is not the time for you to come back.' I said to myself.

The last set of models are walking on the catwalk. I see a glimpse of Julia at the back. I can see she's having a hard time with the last set of clothes she is wearing. This whole night all the clothes she wore were taking a toll on her posture and the way of her walking. I can see the results now. I smiled to myself.

The finale was Julia. She was wearing a white blazer and pants, high stilettos and a huge fur coat. She was walking on the catwalk. There were many flashes from cameras centered on her. She was having a hard time walking and combined with the flashes from the cameras she lost her balance and fell when she arrived at the center.

People were astonished. I can hear them saying words of concern. Some are giving her criticism and bad remarks. I see Julia try to stand but fell again. It looks like she sprained her ankle from the fall. I smiled internally. Shawn stood up from his seat, concern etched in his face. So I played and acted along.

"Of my gosh. Is Julia okay?" concern is drawn on my face.

"I don't know?" Shawn asked worriedly. He looks like he wants to help.

"Go and help her. Don't worry about me. She is your friend right?" I said to him.

He nodded and climbed the catwalk. Julia saw Shawn approaching her. From a face of embarrassment it changed to happiness. Shawn picked her up princess style and helped her get down from the stage. I approached them.

Julia is burying her head in Shawn's facing. I can hear her crying. I felt satisfaction for a moment.

"How is she?" I asked looking at Shawn showing concern. Shawn just shook his head. "Bring her at the backstage. I'm sure there are first aid kits there. I'm going to tell Mark to call an ambulance."

He then walked away towards the back. 'Be happy clinging to Shawn now because it won't be for long.' I said to myself.

I hear Grace, Mark's sister, on stage giving apologies and having the closing remarks. Not long she called my name. I composed my self and climbed up the stage. I walked confidently to Grace. Flashes of cameras are going none stop.

Grace gave me her microphone. "Thank you for being here in my fashion show for the winter collection of Q.Versales. I am Queenie Versales the designer behind the fashion line. I have been in the fashion industry for the past 4 years. Sorry for being late for making an appearance in public. But today I am here for you to know me better. Please continue to support my fashion line Q.Versales." I make my bow and smiled to the audience.


We were at the back driveway. An ambulance is waiting. Julia is sitting on a wheel chair and Shawn is standing beside her. Julia is not letting go of Shawn's hand. I can see her eyes sore from crying.

"How is she doing?" I asked Mark who was beside me.

"It looks like she sprained her ankle. The medics said it's swelling and may have broken bones. But nothing is certain until an x-ray is done. They will bring her to the hospital." Mark answered me.

I nodded. I walked towards Julia and Shawn. She saw me approaching and tighten her grip on him.

"Are you doing okay?" I asked.

"Can't you see me? Do I look okay to you?" Julia snapped at me. I pretended to feel hurt on what he said.

"Julia that's not good. Don't take your frustration on others." Shawn reprimanded her.

Julia felt hurt. Shawn has always called her by her nickname in the past why is he calling her full name now. She feels Shawn being distant.

"I'm sorry." Julia said starting to cry.

'Oh the damsel in distress effect.' I thought when seeing the two.

Shawn carried her inside the ambulance and was about to leave when Julia grabbed him. "Where are you going?" she asked worriedly.

"I have plans this evening. I have already called your mother. She will be going to the hospital you will be taken." Shawn answered.

"No you can't leave. Please Shawn be with." Julia pleaded.

"I'm sorry Juls. It's something important to me." Shawn said.

"More important than me?" Julia asked still trying to buy pity from Shawn.

Shawn took off Julia's hand. "You'll be fine." he answered and left.

He came near me. "Is it okay to leave her?" I asked Shawn.

"She'll be fine." he smiled at me and I smiled back. I took his arm and held it. We were standing side by side.

Before the ambulance door closed I saw Julia's shocked face staring at both Shawn and I with wide eyes. I smiled internally.