
Few days have passed since my debut. I have been here and there all around N city meeting different people and clients.

"Andrea, do we have anything scheduled tomorrow?" I asked tiredly.

Andrea looked at her tab. "Tomorrow and the day after is a free day." she answered me. "You must have been tired this passed few days."

"Yes I feel exhausted." I grunted. Tomorrow is my free day, then I can look at prospect houses for my home. I get my phone in my purse and dialed a number.

The phone was ringing then a male voice answered. "Hello my queen. How's your day?" Shawn's soothing voice answered. I smirked to myself.

"I had a tiring day." I said with a sigh. "I'm not interrupting you, am I?"

"No baby. You can call me anytime you want." Shawn said. Without me knowing the time I called he was in a meeting with his executives.

"By the way tomorrow is the day we're going to meet your real estate friend right?" I asked. "Will you pick me up here at the hotel?"

"Of course baby. I will be there at 10 in the morning. We will meet my friend at around lunch time." Shawn said.

"Great. See you tomorrow baby." I said.

"I love you." I hear Shawn said.

I trace of a smile was drawn in my face. "Love you too." I said then ended the call.

"Love you 'baby'." Andrea teased me. "I never thought you'll be resorting to pet names this early in your relationship."

I frowned. "That's what we used to call each other back then." I said. Now I'm sure he knows who I really I am.

"Well it looks like both of you and Shawn have been making the headlines." Andrea said.

As I expected Shawn and I will be in the news. That night when Shawn dropped me at my hotel after seeing the fireflies some paparazzis took pictures of us kissing. The headlines have been talking about me and Shawn's relationship.

I smiled. "I am sure Julia is full of rage by this time." I said. "Not just in the newspapers but also television news have been talking about our supposed to be romantic relationship."

"Yes. TV talk shows have been calling me non stop to schedule interviews." Andrea said. "We are also constantly being followed by paparazzi."

My plan is going on smoothly. I am sure that Julia is fuming with rage by now. But I just have one problem. I looked at my phone. It's been days since Troy last called me.

"I'm sure Troy is just busy." Andrea assured me like she had read my mind.

"I tried to call him a few times but he's not picking up." I frowned. "I also called his assistant Richard. He said that Troy is busy because of possible investors have come to Paris."

"Don't worry Queenie I'm sure he understands. He has known your intentions of coming back and your plans." Andrea tried to comfort me.

I just smiled at her sadly. Troy knows my plans from the start but I'm sure he will still be hurt from them. 'I'm sorry Troy. I am being selfish.' I thought to myself. My mind is all filled with revenge. I can't think of anything but that and I'll do everything to achieve my goals.

"Am I still worthy of him Andrea?" I ask her. "After all of this is over. After I get the satisfaction of having my revenge. I am afraid that I have hurt him so much that he won't have the same feeling anymore." I feel guilt in hurting him.

"Do you really need to push thru with this Queenie?" Andrea asked. "Maybe you can still stop and go back?"

Tears started to fall from my eyes. "I can't Andrea." I said. "The wound the they gave me is so deep. If I want to have a new start in my life I need to do this. All that they ever took from me, I will get it all back."

"I understand." Andrea said. She held my hand. "I am always here for you. I won't leave you. I can speak on behalf of Troy too. I have seen how he loves you these 8 years. He will never abandon you."

"Thanks Andrea." I said while holding the ring in the necklace around my neck.


At Julia's home she was having tantrums. She was throwing every object she touches. She was shouting and crying.

"That bitch!" Julia shouted. "She's stealing Shawn from me. I won't let her."

"Honey please calm down." Victoria, Julia's mom said.

"NO! How can I be calm mother? Did you see the news? They are everywhere. Their picture of kissing." Julia said while tears are streaming down her eyes. She was filled with hurt and anger.

"Calm down honey. Don't worry I have a plan." Victoria said to her daughter.

Julia stopped her tantrums and wiped her tears. "What are you planning mother?" she asked.

"I will talk to your father. Your birthday is coming. All high class people are invited. You invite this Queenie Versales to your party. We will make a big show." Victoria said while hugging her daughter.

"But why will I invite that bitch to my party?" Julia said in anger.

"Shawn has promised to you a long time ago to be your escort that night right?" Victoria said. "He can't go back on his word. It was your father and his father that has made plans. We will just have to execute them."

Julia started to smile. "Are you sure Shawn will be mine?" Julia asked.

"I'm sure he can't say no." Victoria smiled to her daughter.