
Andrea and I are at the new house that I bought. Like I've said to Shawn I bought the house at his neighborhood.

"Unpacking is really a hassle." Andrea complained.

I giggled. "Well what do you expect. Your things are not that many but what about mine?" I said.

My wardrobe can take at least one room. Not to mention my bags and shoes. Good thing that the master's bed room of this house has a walk in closet as big as one room.

Many boxes are still not yet organized. I looked at it and sighed. "Can we get this done by the end of the day?" I wondered.

"Not if we have additional helping hands." Andrea said.

So far it's just me, Andrea and Sawyer that is organizing the things after the move here in the new house.

"Ahhh. I'm exhausted." I said while sinking at the sofa. I raise my feet on the arm rest and laid down and closed my eyes for a bit. It was at least noon time.

Then I felt someone hovering on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw dark blue eyes looking into mine. A trace of a smile is drawn in that man's beautiful face. It was Shawn.

He gave me a light kiss on the lips. "Hey baby. Tired already." Shawn said jokingly.

"We have been all over this whole morning." I complained.

"I know. That's why we're here to lend a helping hand." Shawn said gesturing to a man beside him.

"Hi Queenie. Mind if I help?" Gerald was there giving a warm smile.

My heart felt warm. Gerald was my best friend in the past. He still gives off that aura that feels like home.

I smiled at him. "I'm happy to have you to help. We are taking forever here." I said.

"But first let's have lunch." Shawn said. "Gerald had something cooked for you."

Gerald put down a big bag at the table and put out lunch boxes. I took one and opened it. The lunch box was packed with grilled chicken and veggies.

I smelled the food and my mouth started to water. "Wow this smells absolutely delicious. Thanks Gerald." I said excitedly.

"No problem. I know you'll be hungry after moving." Gerald said.

I dig in and savored the roasted chicken. This is one of my favorite dishes. A healthy option packed with the right amount of nutrients one body needs. In the past Gerald was also like my personal nutritionist. I am not good at cooking sadly but Shawn and Gerald were great. I remember complaining to them that why when I was the girl in our group I don't cook well but them who are men cook delicious food.

"Hmm. Gerald this is delicious." I said.

"Thanks. Well Shawn was the one to marinate and grill the chicken really. I helped with sautéing the veggies." Gerald said. Shawn elbowed Gerald seemingly shy.

I looked at Shawn. "You know how to cook?" I said astonished.

"Well a little." Shawn answered.

"Not just the most eligible bachelor and CEO but a cook as well." I said smiling. "I think I hit the jackpot. It's because I'm not good in cooking." I give a shy face.

"Then I will cook for you." Shawn said while taking me in an embrace.

"Ahem." I hear Andrea. Shawn and I let go embarrassed.

"A letter just came for you." Andrea said while giving it to me.

"What is it?" I wondered curiously.

It was an elegant pink envelope. I opened it and saw a card in it. I read it silently.

"It looks like I'm invited in Julia's birthday next week." I said.

I see Gerald look at me and look at Shawn.

Shawn sighed. "Queeine can I talk to you for a minute." he said.

"Sure." I answered curious what he will say.

He took my hand and led the way thru the door at the back. We arrived at the side of the pool.

Shawn was silent for a moment thinking of what or how to say something. Then he sighed again.

"Well it's about Julia's birthday." Shawn said looking at me seriously. I looked at him waiting for what he was about to say.

"I will escort Julia the night at her party. It has been decided a long time ago by our parents. Their family are a long time friend of my family and my father and Julia's father are good friends. I declined for a few times but my dad insisted so I can't do anything but to agree." Shawn said.

This was a huge thing. 'Julia invited me to a party where Shawn is her escort. Does she want to brag about it and make me jealous!' I thought to myself.

I looked at Shawn. I see his dark blue eyes staring at me intently waiting for me to speak. I give him a warm smile. "I can't do anything about that then. This was planned a long time ago so I guess there is no use in complaining. We just started to date so it is understandable if you will honor the promise you made to your father and Julia's father."

Shawn gave a sigh of relief. He pulled me to him and hugged me tightly. "Thanks for understanding baby." he said.

"No problem baby." I said hugging him back.

Shawn looked around. When he saw the coast is clear he lifted my chin and planted a sweet kiss in my lips. His lips hugged mine slowly savoring the sweetness.


It was night when we finished all the unpacking and arranging. Shawn and Gerald has left and Andrea and I are at the living room drinking some good wine.

"Cheers to a new house." I lifted my glass.

"Cheers." Andrea answered.

We clicked are glass and took a sip.

"Julia's planning something." Andrea said.

"I'm sure she is." I said. "But I'll be ready for her. And I have a plan of my own." I smiled and took a sip of my wine.