
The night was close to and end. The whole party Troy never left my side when I came back after talking to my father. He really played the role of my date.

As for Shawn, he was stuck with Julia the whole night. His face was as hard as rock. Not a smile was drawn in his lips. He also sees me and Troy not leaving each other's side and that added fuel to what he was feeling. Julia was tensed the whole night looking at Shawn's irritable mood.

"How are you?" Troy asked me.

"I'm fine." I answered. "Why didn't you answered my calls." I pouted at him.

He giggled. "It's because I want to surprise you." he said while pressing his finger on my pouted lips. "Were your surprised?"

"Yes very." I nodded.

"Then mission accomplished." he said then held my hand.

"I thought you got mad at me and don't want to talk to me anymore." I said sadly.

Troy tucked a lose strand of hair from my face. "How can I get mad at you?" he said. "You are my life. I can't even stand being away from you." he kissed my hands sweetly.

His emerald eyes gazed at me with emotion. I can see thru them the affection that he has for me. My heart fluttered and felt warm. I have missed him so much.

"How long are you staying here?" I asked him.

"I'm currently doing business with Julian so probably I'll be here for a while." Troy answered.

"If you want you can stay at my place. I just bought house here." I offered.

Troy smiled at me. "That will be a bad idea." He said.

I looked at him confused.

"If I live with you I probably can't hold myself back." Troy said why pulling me close to him. That took me by surprise. He was so close to me that I can feel his manhood. He leaned down and whispered to my ear. "Just being near you turns me on Queenie." he said seductively. His breath slowly tickles my ears. I blush instantly and felt hot. He giggled and released me. I hurriedly composed myself. I looked around and felt shy. Some people were staring at us. I glared at Troy irritated.

He giggled. "I so love teasing you Queenie."

When I look at his beautiful care free face it was hard to stay irritated at him. I know that he craves for me. Even when I was in Paris living with his mother as her adoptive daughter, Troy lived separately. He has his own residence and only visits us often in his mother's house. From the start he has never regarded me as a sister but as a woman that he loves.

Troy looks at me dearly and moved his lips saying something silently. 'I love you.' I read from his mouth. The blush from my cheeks felt much hotter and my heart fluttered. I can feel his feelings thru every inch of my body.

Not long after Victoria was in front and got the attention of the guests. "Good evening everyone. We are so happy that you have joined as in celebrating the birthday of our daughter Julia." she said thru the microphone. "Julia please accompany me here."

Julia lets go of Shawn's arm and walked towards her mother. A round of applause was heard from the guests.

"Thank you for coming here. This evening has been one of my happiest nights in my life. And it will be the most happiest after mother's announcement." Julia said while giving back the microphone to Victoria.

"Yes. This evening we are not just celebrating my daughter's birthday but her engagement as well." Victoria said.

People started to chatter. This was not news at all because they have heard talks about the engagement of the Williams' daughter to the Andrews family. The news has been spread all around N city for quite a while now but there was no confirmation from the Andrews family as of late so people thought it was just a rumor spread around by the Williams before the elections.

"Yes as you have known we have talks about the engagement between my daughter Julia and Shawn Andrews. But now we have decided to announce it." Victoria said. "Shawn can you join us here."

All was silent. They look at Shawn who was in the middle of the crowd.

Shawn was at the boiling point now. Rage was evident in his eyes. His dark blue eyes are like daggers staring at the mother-daughter pair. He didn't move from where he was standing even after Victoria called him. Julia's wide smile became stiff and Victoria was starting to get embarrassed with Shawn's cold attitude.

As for Julian, he was surprised. He has tried to tie an engagement for some time now to Shawn and his daughter Julia. But he knew Shawn was unwilling because he still loves Jill, his deceased daughter. He respected Shawn's decision and didn't pushed further about the engagement. But what was his wife Victoria doing now? Anger started to build up inside him. This can make a rift between the William's family and Andrew's family.

He walked towards Victoria and whispered to her "What do you think you're doing. Stop this." anger is evident in Julian's voice. Victoria started to shiver in fright. She never seen his husband get angry even once in the past.

The crowd started to chatter. In public they knew that Shawn was dating Queenie Versales. And to think Queenie was also invited in this party.

"Does that mean Queenie is just a fling?" a woman said.

"If the talks of engagement were true then Queenie is trying to steal Shawn away." another said.

Bad comments started to spread.

I have expected such things to happen tonight. But facing it head on still hurt my pride. I have became a mistress in the eyes of people. 'So this is what you are planning Julia. Good, very good.' I thought to myself. I clench my fists hard that my finger nails started to burry thru my skin. Some blood started to drip from my hands.

Then a gentle hand held mine. It was Troy's. He smoothed my hand gently and caressed my clenched fist. He lifted my hand and kissed it gently.

I looked into his eyes. Those emerald eyes that was calm is now burning with undefined rage.

"Let's go!" Troy said just loudly that Shawn can hear. "It seems that we have overstayed our welcome. I never thought that the host will be this rude." he shot a look at where the Williams family were standing.

Julian caught Troy's stare of anger towards them and his own anger heightened. He will surely have a talk with his wife later.

Troy held my hand and pulled me away. But before I take a step I feel my other hand being pulled the other way. When I look who was pulling me I see Shawn. Anger is evident in his face.

"Where do you think you're taking her?" Shawn asks looking at Troy.

"Where do you think I will take her?" Troy answered sarcastically. "As you can see Queenie is being targeted here. It's better to leave."

"Then I will take her." Shawn said while tightening his grip on me.

Troy laughed. "Are you showing the people here that Queenie really is your mistress?" Troy said.

Shawn clenched his fists. "I am her boyfriend. I have the right to take her home." he said.

"And I am her brother. I have a right too." Troy responded.

"Adoptive, you said so yourself." Shawn retorted.

This two beautiful men are on each other's neck. And just my rotten luck to be in between them. Tears started to fall from my face. Not just from physically hurting from their tag-of-war but also emotionally.

Troy laguhed. "I suggest you work things out first with your 'fiancée'." he said sarcastically.

Shawn's face twisted with rage. His last straw was cut. His fist came flying towards Troy's face and landed. Blood came out of Troy's lips. He wiped it and laughed.

"So this is what you want." Troy said. He gave a punch to Shawn's face as well.

The two men started to fight each other. They exchange blow by blow. People starting to crowd around them looking at the fight that rarely occurred within the upper class.

"What are you doing? Somebody please stop them." I shouted my lungs out.

Some male guests helped stopped the fight. Troy and Shawn were both held by the arm by male guests. Their spirit hasn't died out yet and still rushed at each other. The guests stopping them are having a hard time.

"Stop it, both of you!" I shouted. Tears rushing down my face.

Both calmed downed after seeing me. They were both disheveled.

I helped Troy. "Let's go home." I said to him.

Shawn was surprised. He reached my hand and held it tightly. I looked at him in the eyes. His dark blue eyes now showed fear. My heart ached.

"Shawn not now." I said. "I had a major blow this night. I can't be with you right now."

Shawn's grip slowly loosened. I gently held his hand and took it off mine. His face was filled with hurt and shock.

I held Troy and we left the party. I can feel Shawn's eyes behind me all the way.