Julian Williams 1

Julian was in his study. The report about Queenie Versales' identity in on top of his desk. He had read it just now.

He was looking outside his window. Outside was overlooking a garden full of pink roses. This were Roselyn' favorite, Jill's mother. Looking at the roses Julian can remember Roselyn's warm smile while calling his name out gently. He closed his eyes remembering his youth.


Julian was 25 years old. He was in the peak of his career as a great lawyer. Even though he was famous he still hasn't got the most important goal he wants to achieve and that's to become a government official.

In one of his cases he meets Roselyn's father Roger Fischer. He was the CEO of the Fischer Group of Companies. Roger was known to be a business tycoon and one of the most richest businessman in the whole world. Julian and Roger started to be good friends.

One day Julian visited Roger in his home. "Welcome to my humble home." Roger said to Julian.

"Wow. I know you're one of the richest men but calling your home just 'home' is an understatement." Julian said looking around in awe. "You live in a castle."

Roger laughed out loud. "Oh come on now Julian. No need to flatter me." Roger said. "Now come. I have invited you to a barbecue. It's a nice weather outside and me and my family are enjoying the afternoon."

"Thanks for inviting me." Julian said.

"Nonsense. Julian you're like a son to me." Roger said. "By the way I want you to meet my wife and daughter."

Roger lead Julian to a beautiful garden. The garden was filled with pink roses. Julian can smell the fragrance coming from them.

"My daughter Roselyn loves pink roses." Roger said. "She personally looks after this garden. It's one of her hobbies." he said looking very proud of his daughter.

Not long they reach the spot where the barbecue grill was. He sees two women standing. One of them is at least in her forties. 'This must be Roger's wife.' he thought. He can't see the other one because her back was facing him. She has blonde hair like golden rays of sunshine.

"Honey I want you to meet Julian." Roger said.

"Ah yes Julian. Roger has been talking about you." Roger's wife said. "I'm Tricia. You can call me Trish."

Julian shook her hands. "It's. Nice to finally meet you Trish." Julian said. "I hope Roger didn't talk bad things about me." he joked and laughed.

Trish giggled. "Oh no not at all. He is always all praises for you." she said.

"Roselyn come here. I want you to meet someone." Roger called out to his daughter.

Julian looked at the woman whose back faced him. She responded to Roger's call and turned around. It was like his whole world stopped the moment he saw her. She was like a goddess that came down to earth from the heavens. Her skins was as fair as milk. Her eyes were the shade of blue that of the sky. She smiled at Julian and by that time he knew his heart was stolen from him. She walked towards him and he was so mesmerized.

"Roselyn I want you to meet Julian." Roger said. "Julian this is my daughter, Roselyn."

"It's nice to finally meet you Julian." Roselyn said. Even her voice was beautiful as a nightingale. She extended her hand to shake his. Julian was frozen in place looking at her beautiful face when he heard Roger coughed. "Ahem."

Julian didn't realize that Roselyn's hand is still waiting for him to shake it.

"Oh, yes. Um sorry." Julian stuttered feeling embarrassed. His face turned red. "It's nice to meet you too." he shook Roselyn's hand.

That evening after the barbecue Roger had a serious talk with Julian.

"Julian we have been friends for quite a while now." Roger said to him when they were alone. "I know you are a good person and I see you as a son. Tell me what can you say about my daughter?"

Julian was surprised. He didn't expect for Roger to ask about his opinion about his daughter.

"Roselyn?" Julian asked confused.

"Well of course. Who else?" Roger said jokingly. "I don't have any other daughter." he laughed.

Julian laughed as well. "Well saying your daughter is beautiful is an understatement." he said. "She looks like a goddess from the heavens."

Roger looked at Julian seriously. It was silent for a second. Julian became tense.

Then Roger laughed so hard. "Very good." he patted Julian's shoulder. "I know you havd good eyes."

Julian nervously chuckled. He didn't know what Roger was up to.

"I know your plan to go in to government politics." Roger said. "Your are well known and popular. You are also charismatic. Those traits are the ones you will need. But you lack one thing. Running for a position takes money. And not just some money, a lot of it."

Julian looks at Roger curiously and smiled. "Yes. It has always been my dream to get into politics and have an official seat." he said. "I know I can further help people there."

"I can help you there. I can sponsor your campaign." Roger said. "But I only need one thing in return."

Julian was ecstatic. At last his goal is at arms reach. "What do you need? I will give it to you if I possibly can." he said.

"I want you to marry my daughter." Roger said.

Julian was taken by surprise. He didn't expect Roger to have such request.

"I know you are surprised with my request." Roger continued. "Roselyn is my greatest treasure. I want her to have the best life she can have. And I know you can give it to her. And also I saw you looking at her. I know not long you will come to love her."

Julian simply nodded. "I am honored to be the one you chose. But what about Roselyn's feelings?"

"I am sure you can find a way to let her fall in love with you." Roger laughed. "Son-in-law. Ah I can't wait."

Julian smiled. Reaching his goals and having a goddess as his wife. It was a win-win situation.