The Company

I was inside my father's car. He picked me up at my home this morning.

"How are you feeling?" my father asked.

"I'm doing fine now daddy." I smiled at him.

"That's good. The doctor advised that you have to avoid stressing yourself. Is your work as a designer tiring?" he said.

"Not that much. It will just be hectic once a show is nearing and I have to finish sewing my designs." I said. "My Christmas collection is coming so I have been busy."

"Is that so? I would want to watch your show. I am sure the designs you do are beautiful." he complimented me. He gives me a genuine smile. My heart felt full. I am so happy just having this conversation with him.

"Of course you will be always invited in my shows in the future. That is if your not busy." I said.

"I'm going to make sure that I will be free so that I can attend." my father said.

"Really that's great. I will be expecting that." I smile widely. I was like a little child given a candy.

My father laughed. "If this makes you happy then I am sure to do it for you baby girl." he said.

I hugged him tight. "Thank you daddy."

"No problem my daring girl." my father said. "Anyways, have you thought about what I said to you?"

My father has proposed to me a position in the company as a director when I was in the hospital recuperating. I told to him I will think about it. This past few days I have thought hard. If I am inside the company I can surely work through the top and get the company's employees trust.

"Yes daddy. I will give it a try. I am not sure if I can do good but I will give my best." I answered.

My father's face lit up. "I am so happy you accepted my offer. I am sure you will do much better than you think. My assistant James will be the one to teach you the things you need."

We arrive at the company. As I exited the car the higher ups in the company was there to greet us. Victoria was there too. My father and I walked inside.

"Mr. Mayor the conference room is already prepared." James, my father's assistant appeared beside him.

"Good. Have all the share holders arrived?" my father asked.

"Yes sir. They are now waiting for you at the conference rooom." James said. My father nodded.

I looked at my father curiously. 'Is he planning something? To call all the share holders for this meeting.' I wondered.

My father and I entered the elevator. James have stopped the other higher ups from coming in. The elevator was exclusive for me and my father and his assistant.

"Why are you preventing me from entering too?" I heard Victoria say in irritation.

"I'm sorry madam. It's the mayor's orders. Only him and the miss." James said.

While the elevators closed I see Victoria's face full of irritation. I smiled to myself in amusement.

"Daddy why did you hold a share holder's meeting?" I asked.

"You'll see later my baby girl." he smiled at me lovingly.

We exited at the 60th floor. James led the way. He navigated thru corridors. Then we arrived in a big wooden dual door.

"After you." James gestured us in. He opened the doors.

My father take the lead and entered the room with me following. Inside I look around. There was at least 8 people inside. Some are middle age and some are the same age as me.

"Good morning everyone." my father greeted.