
I have requested my father that I will start working at the company after the new year. For now I am focusing on my Christmas collection. Christmas is just a month away and this will be the time I'm going to be super busy.

I was busy working in my studio. I have finished my sketches and will start with cutting fabric. I have colleagues working with me in this stage of my work. For now 5 people are here in my studio helping me with my work.

'Knock, knock.'

"Yes, come in." I said while cutting one of the fabrics.

"Queenie, someone is here to visit you." Andrea said.

I look at her. "Is it someone important? Because if not you can tell them to come back at another time." I said. I was so busy that I can't entertain anyone if it's not important.

"It's Ms. Julia Williams." Andrea said.

"Ohhhh." I said with a smile. "I'll be right there."

I look at the time and it's just time for a break.

"Guys let's take a short break." I said to my colleagues.

They smile and left the studio. I left last and closed the door. I didn't notice that I didn't completely close it.

I walked to the living room which is just near my studio. I saw Julia sitting drinking tea. She was wearing casual clothes. White long sleeved blouse and tight jeans.

"Good afternoon Julia." I greeted her.

"Oh Queenie. Sorry for coming unannounced." Julia smiled. "I hope I'm not disturbing your work."

'If I know better you really came here to disturb my work.' I thought. "It okay. It's my break time so I can have a chat with you." I said.

I take a cup from the center table and poured some tea. I take a sip slowly. Julia was looking at me and wore a fake smile. I can see her hand tightly gripping her cup.

'Why is she still looking this good even after having a busy day?' Julia was thinking.

"What brings you here." I give her a warm smile.

"Well I was just wondering how you're doing." Julia said. "You haven't visited us in our home. Aren't you thinking of living with us again?" Julia asked.

'So you want me to live there again? You want me to be under you and your mother's hands again and can do what you want.' I thought. But it was my father that advised me not to live there. I am thinking maybe my father has caught on to this two.

"I am not yet sure about that." I said. "I am still adjusting to the life knowing I am Jill and my life as Queenie."

"All the more you need to live with us." Julia said. She was suggesting it strongly. But I won't let them get their way.

"I am sorry Julia but I also have my own house to live in as well. I have another family that I am comfortable to be with." I said and smiled sweetly. I can see Julia clenched her fists but composed herself in no time.

"Is that so? But promise me to visit us often." Julia said.

"Yes of course. Once I start working at the company I am sure to see you often." I said. I know Julia was also working at the clothing section of our business as one of the managers.

'This bitch. I have been working in the clothing business of the company for years and have come to become one of the managers. And she comes and stole the position I was aiming for. I can't believe she's going to be my boss next year. I have to do something to ruin her reputation.' Julia was thinking.

"By next year I will be your boss. Let's work well together." I smiled to her sweetly.

'This bitch keeps rubbing this to me.' Julia thought. "Yes let's work well together. With you as the director I'm sure the clothing business will boost up." Julia said.

"Yes, I am planning merging my clothing line to the Williams Group. By then I am sure revenue will increase." I said.

Then Andrea arrived in the living room. Shawn was following her inside.

"Shawn what a surprise." Julia happily said.

Shawn just nodded at her.

"I didn't know you're going to visit today." I said to him. I stand up and greeted him. Shawn took me by the waist, hugged me and gave me a peck on the lips.

"I missed you. You have been cooped up here for a few days now. I want to see your beautiful face." Shawn said to me sweetly.

'Public display of affection.' I thought to my self. "Come have a seat. I'm just taking a break from work and Julia came to visit me so we are having a chat." I said.

Shawn looked at Julia coldly. It looks like he is still angry with what happened on Julia's birthday. I see Julia's face turned sour.

Shawn sat down beside me and held my hand.

"Andrea please tell the maid to get a cup for Shawn." I told Andrea.

Andrea nodded and left.

"Would you like some cookies?" I asked Shawn.

"Sure." he answered.

I get a cookie from the center table and feed him personally. Julia's face turned more sour. 'How long can you see us lovey dovey?' I thought.

"Is it delicious? I baked that myself this morning. I was craving for sweets and woke up early so I thought to bake some." I said sweetly obviously flirting.

"You know how to bake? It's delicious." Shawn said with so much affection.

"Oh look at the time." I hear Julia say. "I have an appointment next so I better get going." She was forcing a smile.

"Oh is that so?" I said sarcastically. "Then I won't hold you. Please come again and visit me for a chat." I smiled at her.

"Yes. Next time then." Julia said.

Julia exited the living room. She was clenching her fist so hard in anger. 'Queenie, you may have Shawn now but not for long.' she thought.

While Julia was walking she passed by the door to my studio. It was opened a little. Julia peaked inside and gave an evil smile.