Many Important Things Lost

Clouds were brewing up in the sky. It started to get dark. I was looking outside the window of the lounge area in the resort.

"It's still afternoon but why is it so dark outside?" I wondered out loud.

"I heard there's going to be a snow storm this evening. Good thing we got back early." Shawn said. He was beside me still holding my hand. My heart was moved with the words he said back there outside.

"What are you thinking?" Shawn looks at me full of affection.

The time we got back I have been thinking over the things Shawn had said. If I was not pushed of the cliff 8 years ago. If I was still alive when Shawn arrived at the villa that day. We should have gotten together again. I would have cleared my name and Shawn would have forgiven me and we should have gotten back together.

"I was just thinking if we're going to be safe here from the snow storm." I said to Shawn fighting back my tears.

"Don't worry baby. I'm sure we're safe here." he hugged me behind my back. We were close to each other. I can feel the heat from behind me.

I unconsciously held my tummy. 'Baby.' I thought. If that faithful day didn't happen then I would have a little 7 year old boy or girl by now. Yes that time I was 10 weeks pregnant. That was why me and Shawn decided to get married at 19 years old. Too young for the eyes of people. We haven't told anyone about the pregnancy by that time. We were planning to tell our parents after the wedding. But all that we have planned crumbled because of the mother-daughter who schemed against me. My beautiful baby was lost. He or she would have been the most important thing that would bind me and Shawn together. I look at the gloomy weather outside and my mood became gloomy as well. I reached for my heart to the thing that gives me hope.

"Huh." I reached for the ring on my neck but it was gone. I was startled.

"What's wrong?" Shawn looked at me puzzled.

"My necklace. It's gone." I said while looking around.

"What does it look like?" Shawn asked.

"It was a chain with a ring on it. It was given by..." I said then realized I was about to say it came from Troy. "It was given by my adoptive mother. It's very precious to me." I corrected.

"I'll go ask in the front desk. Try to trace where you've been." Shawn said and walked away.

I looked frantically. I traced my steps and ended up at the front door of the resort.

"Queenie." Julia said approaching me. "Are you looking for something?" she asked.

"Yes I lost something." I said. I wasn't planning on telling her that I lost an important thing. For sure she will try to make me feel bad about it.

"Is it something important?" Julia asked.

"Well, not really." I answered neutrally.

"Oh is it a ring on a chain." Julia said.

My eyes went wide with surprise for a second but composed myself. Julia saw this brief moment of mine and smiled victoriously.

"I saw it by the bottom of the slope were we saw each other a while ago." Julia said as a matter of fact.

Maybe the chain around my neck broke while trying to stop Shawn. "Oh is that so. Well it's getting dark. I guess I'll go get it tomorrow morning." I smiled at Julia.

"Well I guess it's not really that important. The weather forecast said there's going to be a snow storm tonight. If you don't look for it now then it will be lost under all that snow." Julia said.

My heart ached. That ring was the next most important thing to me. "Then it can't be helped I guess." I forced a smile towards Julia.

"Okay. Then I'll be going inside." Julia said.

When she was out of sight I ran outside towards the area where we had been.