Dark Night

The wind was blowing even harder. Good thing I have a pocket flash light with me. It was getting darker and I still can't find the ring.

"Oh where can it be." I'm beginning to get frustrated. That was the ring given to me by Troy. That was my hope in my dark times. I can feel the tears streaming on my cheeks. But they begin to freeze after a few moments.

I was crawling on the snow shoveling with my hands and digging thru the snow. My heart is feeling so heavy. And not just my heart but my body as well. The snow started to fall hard and the wind blew coldly. I was shivering hard. I can see my breath in front of me.

I stood up and looked around. It was pitch black now. I started to panic. 'How can I find my way back to the resort now?' I thought to myself.

I gave up on finding the ring. What's important right now is to find my way back to the resort.

I have walked for a while. I don't know which way is which in this pitch black darkness. My little pocket flashlight didn't give enough light to show me the way.

"Why did I forget my phone at a time like this." I said to myself. Even if there was no signal here at least I could have used the compass in the phone to know which way to go. I didn't think that I would have a hard time searching for the ring that it got dark.

I feel so cold now. I was shivering hard. The darkness is not helping my spirits as well. Then my legs gave in. I fell onto the snow. I was losing consciousness. 'Is this were I end up?' I thought to myself. "No, I can't give up. Someone's waiting for me."

But I can't seem to stand. My strength has faded and my consciousness is starting to fade as well.


I open my eyes to a bright place. I am standing on a field of roses.

"Am I...dead?" I asked myself. This was different from my near death experience 8 years ago. Is this heaven?

I look around and see a pavilion not far from where I am standing. In the pavilion I can see a woman waving at me. I can't see who she was so I walked towards her. When I was getting near the woman seems to be quite familiar to me. She has long blonde wavy hair like mine, flying with the wind. Then I see her sky blue eyes similar to mine. I begin to walk faster. The next thing I know I was sprinting towards her.

"Mommy!" I cried. She was opening her arms waiting for me. I fell to her embrace. "Oh mommy oh I miss you so much."

"My sweet baby girl." my mother hugged me tight. We were both crying. "Come now. Let me look at my little Jillian."

I giggled. I wiped away my tears. "Look at my baby girl all grown up to be a beautiful lady." she said.

"So I'm really dead aren't I?" I asked. "8 years ago when I fell off the cliff I wasn't able to see you." I comprehended.

My mother shook her head. "You still have hope." she said.

I looked at her confused.

"Can you hear him?" mother asked.

I was confused even more but then I heard a voice calling me.

"Queenie! Queenie!"

"He's looking for you." my mother said.

"Who?" I asked.

She just smiled at me. Then I realized there was a little boy hiding at my mother's back peeking at me. I look at him. He has black hair and dark blue eyes. The same eyes as Shawn's.

"Is he..?!" I asked my mother. My mother just nodded. She pushed the little boy towards me. I was shocked. Tears flowed down my face. He was a little replica of Shawn. He was looking a bit shy. I extended my arm out to him and hugged him.

"Oh my baby." I was crying. He hugged me as well. I can feel the love bursting out of my heart.

"Queenie!" I can here the voice getting louder.

"It's time for you to go." my mother hugged me as well. "Remember Jill, live your new life now. Make the most out of it. We are now in the past. My baby girl please find happiness."

'Mother you may be in the past but I will still get back your company and get my revenge. After that then I can be at peace and live my new life.' I thought to myself.


"Queenie! Queenie, where are you?" I hear a voice. I'm not sure where or who it's coming from. I opened my eyes.

"Here! I'm right here!" I mustered out what's left in my strength thru my voice. It sounded hoarse but I still yelled. "Help! Please help!"

Then I can here footsteps on the snow. A flashlight was shown in my face. I was blinded by the light. "Thank goodness." the voice said in relief. I still wasn't sure who it was because my mind is still foggy. But I am sure the voice came from a man.

I can feel strong arms lift me up. I can feel the warmth of his body. I cling to him desperate for heat. When I felt safe that was the time I fell unconscious. I blacked out.