Christmas Eve Date 1

It was the day before Christmas. Tomorrow will be the fashion show for my Christmas collection. All was right on track and we finished preparation before the day ended.

"At last we can take a breather." I said out loud. "I'm free until tomorrow evening before the show right?" I asked Andrea who was just beside me.

"Yes. You don't have any scheduled meeting." Andrea nodded.

"Then I can take it easy before the show begins. I need a rest." I said. Father just got out of the hospital this morning. I was jumping back and fort from the hospital to the venue this past few days.

"It's good that daddy is doing fine. It was a mild heart attack the doctor said and he needs to rest. If I wasn't there to look after him I'm sure he would be still working on the hospital bed." I said with an irritated face. "I know his work is important but his health is more important. I have to scold James too because he was bringing some documents from daddy's work." I frowned.

Andrea giggled. "You look like a mother scolding her child."

"Really, I feel like I'm taking care of a 10-year old in the hospital." I sighed. "But I guess that's what happens when your parents get old, right? The children will be the one to take care of them." a sweet smile crept on my face.

"Wasn't your stepmother there as well?" Andrea asked and my sweet smile changed into a frown.

"I have to act nice the whole time she was there. Really it was tiring." I sighed. "Good thing Julia didn't show up. Daddy didn't want to see her after the incident. Oh by the way Andrea I want you to search for Julia's team in that show. Use any means necessary to find them. I have a big use for them in the future." I smirked.

"Sure thing Queenie." Andrea said.

"Ms. Queenie there's a delivery for you." a staff said.

A deliveryman walked our way with a huge bouquet of red roses.

"Ms. Queenie Versales?" the deliveryman asked.

"Yes, that's me." I answered.

"Please sign here." the delivery man handed me a paper board and pen. I signed at the place where the deliveryman indicated.

"Thank you."

"Thanks as well." I answered and the deliveryman left.

I look at the red roses.

"Is it from who I think it is?" Andrea teased.

"He has been sending me bouquets of red roses since we got back from the ski resort." I said.

I looked at the card and flipped it open.

'Red roses as beautiful as you. Love, Shawn.'

"He's really trying to woo you Queenie. What are your plans?" Andrea asked.

"I dont't have any." I answered truthfully. "I still can't remember him. I know that he's one of the reasons why I'm like this but now I can't see myself acting as I love him. My heart holds only one person."

"Well about that one person in your heart. Speaking of the devil." Andrea smiled and gestured with her head that someones behind my back.

I look behind and I saw him. Not a devil but my angel. He was wearing a white long sleeves buttoned up collared shirt and light brown khaki pants. His light brown hair is styled with wax. His emerald green eyes glimmered under the fluorescent lights. He was walking towards me.

"I see there is another bouquet of roses that came today." Troy was looking at the roses. He took it from my hand and gave it to Andrea. "Take it home and place it in a vase."

"You don't want me to dispose of it?" Andrea asked curious.

"Such a waste of their beauty. At least Queenie can admire them. She loves red roses." Troy said with a smile. He gently hold my hand. "Are you free already?"

I was in a daze looking at him. How can such a beautiful angel be in love with me, a little devil scheming for revenge?

"My love?" Troy brushed my cheeks. I snapped back to reality.

"Oh, um yes. We just wrapped things up here." I answered.

"Then come with me. I want to take you somewhere." Troy said with a sweet voice. I just nodded.