The man behind the shadows 1

At the Williams' residence, Victoria was alone with Julia in her room. She has given her daughter sedatives just to calm down and sleep. Looking at her daughter's tear stricken face she felt her heart tighten with pain and anger.

"How dare they do this to my daughter." Victoria said while clenching her fists. She get her phone from the bedside table and dial a number that she knows by memory.

The phone was ringing for a while, then someone answers. "How may I help you Mrs. Williams?" a voice of a lady is heard from the other end.

"I want to speak to him." Victoria said.

There was a pause for a while.

"Please wait for a while. I'll put you on hold." The lady said.


There was a man sitting in a chair behind the desk situated at the far corner of a dark study room. It was night time and only a desk lamp was giving light. The man was covered in the shadows.

'Knock, knock, knock'

"Come in." A masculine voice came from the man in the shadows

The door opened and a lady came in and gave a slight bow.

"Sir, Mrs. Williams wants to talk to you." The lady said.

"I understand. You may leave." The man in the shadows said. The lady bowed again and left the room while closing the door.

The man in the shadows stood up from his chair. The light from outside hit his body. A silhouette of a man with well built body is seen. He looks like he was at least in his mid 30's.

He picks up the phone on his desk. "Hello, Mrs. Williams."

"Please help Julia. She is being married against her will." Victoria's voice was heard.

The man in the shadows slightly curved his lips. "Mrs. Williams, your daughter made her move by herself, in her own violation. Did I not say back then to stand by first before making any move?"

"B-but..." Victoria didn't know what to say.

"I specifically said to play in the sidelines first now that Julian's real daughter has come back. We don't know her personality or real intentions now that she came back so I was observing. But your daughter just can't sit still and has to stir up trouble. Not once but 'twice'." The voice of the man in the shadows was cold.

Victoria shivered and can feel the tense aura emitting from the voice of the man. "But I can't let my daughter be married against her will."

"Then beg your husband to change his mind about the marriage. I don't care what you do. I won't be lifting a finger in helping your stupid daughter." The man's voice was starting to get sinister. "Be thankful that I will just let her mistake slide and not punish her for her stupid mistakes."

"Don't you dare harm my daughter!" Victoria said in anger. "If you ever lay a finger on us I will tell Julian about you. I will tell him that this was all your plan. The death of Roselyn and Jill."

The man laughed out loud evilly. Victoria shivered listening to it. It was so sinister that she felt fear.

"Don't forget that you are in on this as well 'Victoria'." The way the man said Victoria's name sent chills to her spine. "Do you want to lose the chance to take over the Williams company and its wealth? If Julian finds out that Julia isn't his biological daughter, your chances of getting the Williams' fortune will go down the drain. Your hard work for all this years will be put to waste."

Victoria was shocked in silence.