Wedding dress

I was at my studio working on Julia's wedding dress. The deadline was nearing and I was in the last finishing touches.

I was so immersed in my work that I didn't notice someone came in my studio. I have my back facing the entrance so I didn't see him.

The person was silently walking towards me. Little by little he was getting nearer.

"Hey beautiful." A voice whispered so close to my ear.

"Oh my God!" I was startled. When I look behind me I see the most handsome face in the world, my angel.

"My gosh Troy, you scared me!" I shouted at him. My heart was still racing from the fright.

Troy was laughing out loud. It was refreshing to see him being playful every now and then.

I pouted my lips and made an annoyed face. "Hmph."

"Sorry." Troy hugged me behind. "It's midnight. You need to rest."

"Midnight!" I was surprised. I look at my wrist watch and in fact it was really midnight. "I didn't notice the time."

Troy reached for the design on the table and looked at it. The design has a mermaid tail skirt with an off shoulder and is backless. "This looks beautiful. I can't imagine how you'll design your own gown on our wedding." He gives me a sweet smile.

"I haven't thought of that yet." I said truthfully. "Hmmm, for sure I want it to be a catherdral train ball gown type. I want to feel like a princess on our wedding day." I smiled with the thought.

Troy hugs me tightly. "I'm sure you'll be the most beautiful woman on our wedding day."

We were silent for a moment. We take in this precious time together.

"After the new year I will announce our engagement in a press conference. Is it okay?" Troy was asking permission.

I turned to face him and looked into his emerald eyes. Those eyes were looking at me intently.

"Yes, it fine with me." I nodded and smiled at him.

Troy sighed loudly like a weight has been lifted from him. "I thought you won't apporve."

"And why would I not?" I giggled. "You are the most precious person in my life now. I can't wait to be married to you and be officially Mrs. Queenie Versales."

"Mrs. Queenie Versales? Hmm I like the sound of that." Troy looked at me with affection.

"If it's okay with you, I want our wedding day to be in the summer next year." I said. "That was the time I met you for the first time."

"Yes I remember. You called me your angel." Troy and I both giggled on the memory.

"Oh Queenie, you made me the most happy man now." Troy caressed my face gently. I feel the heat from hands. "I love you so much. I can't wait to marry you."

"I love you too, Troy. I want to be by your side forever." I said affectionately.

Troy's emerald eyes glimmered under the fluorescent lights of the studio. I was drawn in them and fall into their spell.

Troy inched his face towards me slowly. He gently placed his lips to mine. His lips were sweet. He took me into an embrace. The sweet kiss deepened and turned into a hot passionate kiss.