Abduction 4

I open my eyes slowly. I feel my body ache all over. My hands and feet were tied with cable ties. I tried to budge them but the cable tie bites into my skin. 'Ouch.' I stopped.

I look thru my sorroundings. I was inside a dim spacious room. I can see boxes stacked to each other. 'Looks like I'm in a warehouse.'

There was a window just on top of me but it was too high. I can see the sky outside. Stars are shining. 'It's night time already. How long was I out?' I thought.

"Have you called madam?" I hear a man's voice. I peek thru the spaces between the boxes and see two men in black. The one was seating on a chair and the other was standing leaning on the table.

"It's safe to turn off the signal jammer so turn it off. I'll go make a call to madam." The other man exclaimed.

'It's my chance to turn on the tracking device Troy gave me.' I get a small metal object in my pocket and pressed a little button. A dim red light started to blink.

'Good. I just wish Troy can find me fast.' I thought.

"Hello, madam Victoria. The girl is here with us now in the abandoned warehouse near the pier that we talked about." I hear the other man talking on the phone.

"Oh you're on the way." The man looked at his wrist watch. "Fifteen minutes. Okay got it." Then he hang up.

'Fifteen minutes. I need to think of a way to escape.' My body still feels sore after the car crash but fortunately I don't have any major injuries. I try to move my body. 'Good, at least I can move well.'

I look around me for something useful to cut the cable ties with. Then in a corner I see broken glasses scattered on the floor.

I slowly crouched towards that direction.

"What do you think the madam is planning with the girl?" The man seated asked.

"I heard she wants her dead." The other man answered.

"Aww, that's a pity. She's beautiful and have a nice body. Why don't we play with her first before the madam kills her, hehe"? The man laughed evilly.

I shivered hearing the man's words. 'I won't let you get what you want. I need to escape from here.'

I get the broken glass and start to cut the cable ties.

"You will not lay a hand on the girl. Do you want to get killed by the boss because of not following orders?" The other man said.

The man shivered. "Don't say that. Just mentioning the boss gives me the shivers. He kills anyone that doesn't meet his expectations or doesn't do a good job. Not even giving another chance for redemption."

"But the boss has charisma that wants you to follow him. If not because of him, me and my family would be dead by now. He saved me and gave me a chance to take revenge on the people that wronged me and my family. So I am always loyal to him." The man said.

"Heh, I'm different from you Frank." The other man said. "I'm here for the money. He pays us very high. It's okay for me to do dirty work if the price is right."

I was listening closely to their conversation while cutting the ties. I only get the name of the man with dark hair. 'Who is this boss their talking about?' I wondered. 'Looks like Victoria has a backer helping her.'

I was able to untie my feet. I was now starting to cut the ties on my hands.

I hear a phone ring.

"Okay." Frank said. "Check the girl if she's still unconscious. I'll go and wait for madam Victoria outside. She'll be here soon." Frank told the other guy.

I heard the man walking towards me. I positioned myself where I was when I woke up and closed my eyes acting unconscious. I hid my feet which was now free.

"Looks like your still out cold pretty girl." The man said. I can feel him coming near me.

"Hmm such a waste." The man said. I can feel his hands caressing my thighs under my dress. "Madam will be here soon. I guess I'll just make a quicky. I want to taste you at least before madam gets here."

My whole body stiffened and felt cold after hearing those words.