Meeting with Adrian Montgomery

"Then that's good father. Why don't we start the negotiations. What business empire and who is the one who's willing to partner up with our company?" I asked excited.

"It's the CEO of Montgomery Business Empire, Adrian Montgomery." Father said.

"Adrian Montgomery? I met him at my wedding." I remember him. The man with a great aura around him.

"Yes. He is an exceptional young man." Father said. "The Montgomery couple wasn't blessed to have a child so they adopted Adrian when he was 10 years old."

"He's an orphan?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, it is public knowledge. The Montgomery couple was blessed to adopt Adrian. At a young age he was a protege, a young genius. He excelled in his studies and sports. He inherited the business from his father at the young age of 18. And after that the business group became an empire." Father explained.