Karma’s a b*tch

Andrea and I were in the car going home.

"Troy will be very happy to know that the two of you will be having twins." Andrea said with a smile.

I was looking at the picture of my ultrasound. There I can see my two beautiful little angels which are still small.

"I'm sure he will be very happy." I said.

"How do you plan on telling him?" Andrea asked.

"After dinner I guess." I said. "I want to cook for him tonight."

I want this night to be special. I'm going to cook Troy's favorite cordon bleu and bake an apple pie.

"Sawyer, let's stop by at the grocery first before going home." I said.

"Yes ma'am." Sawyer replied.

I smiled while looking at the ultrasound picture again. I caressed my bulging tummy.


Andrea and I are in the grocery store to buy ingredients for the cordon bleu and apple pie.

"We are only missing apples from the list." Andrea said while holding the list that I have written in the car a while ago.

"Hmm looks like it. Let's go to the fruit section." I said.