Visiting the old mansion (2)

I looked around. Memories and emotions are pouring inside of me. I can remember my childhood here vaguely. But I remember that we were a happy family when I was still in my childhood. That was before mother knew about Victoria and Julia. Before she got sick and died with sadness.

When we arrived at the mansion an old lady in her 50's is waiting outside. When I look closely it was none other than my nanny Sylvia.

Nanny Sylvia was the one who took care of me since I was a baby. She was my mother's trusted maid and when my mother and father married, nanny Sylvia came with them. I grew up with her looking after me.

I exited the car and walked towards the door. Nanny Sylvia was looking at me with affection. She was trying not to cry.

"Jill do you remember nanny Sylvia? She was your nanny since you were a baby." Father introduced us.

"Yes I remember. Hello nanny Sylvia." I greeted. I was also getting emotional.