Hold on

"Julia! Julia!" I cried. I approached the cliff carefully.

My head is getting dizzy. It's look like my phobia is acting up again. I was about to turn away to call for help when I saw a hand holding by the vines along the cliff.

"Julia? Julia?!" I looked and saw that she was hanging for her life. "Hold on I'm calling for help."

"Heh call for help?" Julia asked sarcastically. "Isn't this what you wanted. My mother died and now I'll be dead as well."

"No, Julia. I never wanted you to pay for your lives." I said. "All I wanted was to take back what you stole from me. Maybe I have done things that weren't good too. But I never wanted to take your life or your mother's." I said truthfully.

"Heh, you're lying." Julia said.

"If you don't want to believe me that's fine but I won't let you die." I said with conviction. "I have been there. Under that cold freezing water. I never wished anyone to experience that. Even to my worst enemies."