Knight in shining armor

'Knock knock'

I felt a wave of relief when I heard the knock. The door opened, I see a familiar face.

"Good evening. I'm here to pick up my wife." Troy said with a cold tone.

"Troy." I said with relief.

Troy saw me standing behind the wall with Adrian in front of me. His eyes burned with rage and stomped towards us.

"What do you think you are doing to my wife." Troy said seething his anger.

Troy pulled me out of the corner and into his arms. Adrian looked surprised yet amused.

"Mr. Versales, what a surprise for you to be here." Adrian said sarcastically.

"No traffic jam can stop me from picking up my pregnant wife Mr. Montgomery." Troy replied coldly.

Come to think of it I remember that there was a traffic jam, that's why Andrea and Adrian's assistant were late.

"Troy, how did you get here?" I asked rather curious how he made it here with the heavy traffic.