The twins gender (2)

"Well we can do an ultrasound to check the babies genders. Would you like to know? Or would you want for it to be a surprise when they are born?"

I look at Troy with amazed eyes. He looked at me and smiled. He knew very well what I was thinking.

"We would like to know the genders of the twins doctor." Troy answered.

"Then let's prepare you for an ultrasound." The doctor said.

The doctor picked up her desk phone and dialed.

"Hello. Yes please prepare the ultrasound room." The doctor said. "Okay, thanks."

"You can wait in the lounge area." The doctor said.

"Okay thanks." Troy answered.

Troy helped me up and exited the doctor's office.

"We are going to know the babies genders." I said excitedly.

"Yes, I know." Troy smiled.

"When we know their genders, let's start buying their things this weekend." I said. "You don't have any plans, right?" I asked.

I know that Troy is a busy man. But the time we were married, weekends had been always our time together.