A dream or a premonition?

I was standing in a field of roses. Everywhere I look I can see them blooming beautifully.

"This place seems familiar." I told myself. "When have I been here before?" I wondered.

I walked around the field looking for signs of other people.

After walking for quite some time, I saw a gazebo not far from where I was. I walked towards it.

When I was about to go near the gazebo, I see familiar looking people. One was a woman and one was a boy.

Then I remember that this was where I have been when I was in my near death experience. The woman in the gazebo is my mother and the little boy was my son with Shawn that I miscarried.

I tried to go near them but even when I walked or ran, I wasn't getting any nearer.

I was panting heavily running faster, wanting to see and talk to them again. Not long, there was a third person with them. At first I cannot see who it was clearly. All I could tell is that it was a man.