An unexpecte visitors

After all of that sky search for a nearby village inn. He then rented a room for 12 hours. After entering the room he sit on the chair and make himself comfortable. And then he logged out.

Logging out the game at world's conquest is not like any other VR games. If you logged out of the game your character will only freeze and your body will be vulnerable. Even though you are inside the village which is a safe zone players can still kill you. Safe zones is just a barrier protecting players from monsters and not for other players which love to PK just to earn gold's and other loots. Killing is not allowed inside the village but only if you get caught. If you have a way to get away on the radar after killing someone then for you safe zone is your paradise. That's the reason why logging out needed caution to avoid disasters and the best way to avoid disasters are village inns. First of all inns have high level NPC's and the rooms are the safest place on the village. No outsiders could ever go inside without any permission the renter.

Sky decided to log out first because he was so exhausted after that battle with the two headed orc he never experience that kind of awkward battle in the past. Is it because he just died miserably and then resurrect magically that his line of thoughts got all shambled that he forgot that he can't use his weapons right now.

Sky get up from bed and walk towards the kitchen to grab some coffee. After getting his coffee see sat on the sofa and slowly massage his temple.

"Huh! This day is so tiring. God just make me rich right now so I could enjoy my life for the first time. This life is so tiring.!" Sky complained deep in his heart. He didn't really expect that he could be rich right away but who knows maybe an idiot would mistakingly put a billion dollars at his bank account and he didn't realize it until he was crushed by a 10 wheeler truck.

"tsk I quit my job just to play this game and what did I get? Betrayal? Tsk. He really forgot who I was and dared to betrayed me. Where's his courage coming from? And also those brats they got blinded by money so easily tsk tsk." Sky was talking to himself while absentmindedly reach his hand and took the katana inside the shelf where his collection gathered. This katana is only one of many types of sword in his collection. He really loves swords, thus, he collect them. The katana he was holding right now came from a deceased samurai from a secret organization. How did he got a hold of this katana? No one knows. He held the katana's tsuka(handle) and slowly caress the saya(scabbard) like a lustful man touching a girl's body. A strange rope could be seen locking the saya and the tsuka. This rope made it impossible from unsheathing the katana.

Sky felt his heart at ease while holding this katana. After a minute of holding and caressing that made him look like a lunatic he put the katana back to it's shelf. Sky approach his book shelf and took a book then he sat on the sofa while reading and drinking his coffee.

Sky enjoyed his mid night coffee while reading a book. The book's title is "How to kill a friend". He got this book from a former colleague. This book contained many odd ways how to kill a friend and the protagonist tried every one from top to bottom but he always ended up on failure. Until the friend died but not by his hands but from a car accident. The protagonist mourn for 5 days and five nights not because he was sad that his friend died but because he was not the one who did it. Sky was flabbergasted after reading this book he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Every one who red this book all say that the author of this book was a psychopath that's why this book didn't get published and sky second that motion.

But he really needed this book right now. He really want to kill his friends right now but didn't know how to. So he was gathering some ideas from this book.

His facial expression changes by the minute while he was reading. Time past by with the blink of an eye sky finally stops reading and he didn't go to his room and just slept in the sofa.

7 o'clock in the morning when sky woke up. He completed his morning routine at 9 o'clock. He ate his full this morning so that he would not need to eat until this afternoon. Sky took his own BAGER which stand for brain waves gathering mirco computer. A micro computer that gathers brain waves and synchronize it to international network. This micro computer is shaped like sunglass.

He put on the BAGER and was ready to log in. But the door bell rang.

Ding Dong!

" Who would visit me at this hour? Ahh so annoying." Sky was complaining about this sudden visitors. But he helplessly got up from his bed and remove the BAGER.

Ding Dong!

The door bell rang once again.

"Okay Okay I hear you.!" Sky was really annoyed now. The visitor interrupted his gaming time.

When he opened the door he was stunned when he saw who was his visitors. "This shameless bastards dared to come here heh" sky was sneering inwardly. This visitors are none other than the brats who betrayed and killed him inside the game. Wow they really have guts.

"Good morning former guild master sky. Can't we come in?" the one who suddenly speak is Blake. Blake is the vice guild master at his former guild.

"No you can't." sky said with a blank expressions. Sky could see that his former guild members came prepared. 3 over sized man was standing behind them.

"uhh guild leader let me be blunt and say to you that you are already lost and the guilds warehouse doesn't mean anything to you right now. So can you give us the password?" a short man interrupted. His name is myres and he is one of the five elites chosen by sky itself.

"No I don't want to." Sky responded with a blank expression again.

"don't be so childish guild lead- uh my bad former guild leader rather. You disbanded the guild after you die and you hide all those treasures why so selfish and bring us down with you?. Right now it doesn't hold any value for you but for us it does. We can compensate you for your loss and give you 20% of the earnings when we sell that items." A girl with a funny haircut said. She is also one of the five chosen Nina. Sometimes being shameless is a talent and this girl is brimming with that talent.

" Yeah you would get a tons of money this time. We all know here that you love money." A tall man also interjected while sneering. This is June one of the five chosen. Also one of those masochist.

" oh yeah your right I love money. Hmm wait just for a sec I'll going to get something and Ill have an answer to your proposal after I come back." Sky said while smiling. He glance once more to those four before leaving. He really was infuriated right now. He wanted to choke all of them to death being shameless is not a trend right now is it?

At the front door.

"Hey Blake why would you hire this guy's?" Nina looked at the 3 over sized man at their back. " the former guild leader doesn't look scary at all."

"Hmmp that's why he scary." Blake look at the leader of this hired guards and said "Mr. Dennis you know what to do when things go south and don't underestimate the man."

Blake know what sky can do and what background he has when the two of them met. Actually Blake was sky's target when they met. He got lucky to get out of harm's way when he convinced the latter dropping the kill. Sky was a former assassin for hire he doesn't work for any organization and just do jobs with higher payment. So he know that he won't calm his heart if he doesn't bring any body guards when visiting.

"Count on us boss no one can defeat the three of us even inside the organization where the overlords." The man that look like a gorilla reassured. He is the leader of this mercenary. He really was confident on himself but he didn't know who he was up against.

Blake and his gang didn't really want to visit sky directly it's just that the item their looking for is lock on the guilds warehouse which is now in the kingdom's bank because the guild was disbanded by sky when he was about to die. And to open it you'll need the password which only the guild leader knows. They really needed that item.

This item came from a wild boss that their hunting for over six days. They've gotten lucky to get this item. But the guild leader which is sky hide this item and didn't want to sell it just the opposite of the hunting team wants.

And that's the reason why they collaborate with other guild get this item. They plan to kill the guild leader which is sky and take the item on the guild ware house. It's not that they are not strong enough it's just that their guild leader is so slippery and always escape from dangers. If the guild leader dies the second in command would take over. Thus, they could take the item for themselves. But none of them guessed that their guild leader would decisively disband the guild before he died and lock up the items inside. They are helpless they didn't think of this scenario. So they made an arrangement and go to plan Z which is to talk directly to their former guild leader.Thus, they built up their courage and thickened their faces for the upcoming meeting.

People needed to be practical and nowadays. They needed the money but he won't sell the item which would cost a thousand times more than their assets right now. If he really want to blame someone from his death he could blame himself for being selfish.

A minute later sky finally appeared in front of them. Holding the katana which he was holding last night. Sky was standing in front of them while holding a meter long katana by his right side.

"Blake do you remember when we first met? Hmf where was it? Uhh yeah it was on city 10 at the mountains. You said you've give money if I spared your life and so I listen to your proposal. Then after that we met at this game and then we became friends and build a guild together. Hmm Ive had fun for 5 years playing with all you guys. I treated you all like my brothers and sisters. But you didn't listen to me and insisted on selling that item. We need that item for the future of our guild but you all want to have it yourself and sell it. If we use it all the guild members would share the profits but you don't want to and just sell it for money which only the hunting group would take the benefits. And so because of that you all betrayed me. Blake do you remember that oath that you made me do. That I won't kill anyone anymore and in exchange you'll give me enough money to live my life like a prince. Well the money really didn't last long hehe half of it was all gone because of this. I bought this at the black market. This katana never tasted blood since the death of it's former owner you know? But I think it will now" Sky pointed at the katana at his side then continue talking. " you know by betraying me the ought is now void. That's why you bring this big guys here." Sky mentioned the three guards at their back.

"You're right. That's why I came prepared." Blake sneered and he continued " I know that it's shameless to ask you something this big when we've just killed you. But I'm just being practical right now. The money we could earn is far more than we've earned since last Four years. We can all profit from this transaction so give us the password now so we can avoid injuries or even accidental deaths. It's not worth it."

Blake looked at the katana then looked at the 3 man guards right behind him and gave them a signal. After receiving the signal the 3 surrounded sky and point their guns directly at his head.

"Ow why surround me all the sudden? Where just talking here." Sky glance at Blake as if he didn't see the guns pointed at him. Then he slowly loosen up the rope that surrounded the tsuka and the saya. Then he said. " Blake let's make bet which is faster my katana here or the bullets of this dogs of yours?"

" You don't need to do this sky. I apologise for being rude but I need to be cautious. Let's start all over again. It's only a game you know you." Blake didn't respond from sky's provocation. Even though he might appear he was threatening the latter by surrounding him but the reality is that he's the one that's feeling threatened right now when sky suddenly showed up with a katana. So he decisively give his signal.