A princess from afar

Sky watched as this cute goddess appeared in the middle of the hall magically. With his eyes widen and mouth agape he stopped from moving. But the monsters wouldn't , they charged at him without even bothering to this goddess.

" Humph!" Seeing she was being ignored the goddess she just sneered. And then she acted.

"Super Nova!"

A big ball of raging energy began to manifest above her staff as she flaunted it, finding the perfect position. At the exact moment she felt that it was time, she threw the big mass of energy with a simple flick of her wrists.


The entire hall trembled as it began to collapse, its pillars crumbling from the explosion's shockwave. Not to mention that many were affected as well.

Even though he was shock sky was still an expert. He reacted when the spell was just about to be casted. And move away from the area of effect. But he underestimated this attack.

"Damn yu—!?" he was hit by the shock wave. The force of the shock wave is so strong that it cause sky to tumble multiple times until he hit the wall. His clothes was tattered, his face filled with cuts. Even his katana broke in two pieces.

"Who the hell is that girl? She didn't even realize that's someone would die with her recklessness!" sky complained. He really hate this girl right now even she was so cute that he wanted to pinch her cheeks right now.

Sky got up and drink some potion. His HP nearly depleted from that attack, it scares him a lot. He steady his footing. He really wanted to give this girl a piece of his mind.

"Hey you!?" sky shouted loud enough to be heard in the entire hall.

The goddess didn't even look at sky nor she bothered about him. She just stood there at the center looking at her master piece. Her lips curled up in to a smile.

" I really love that spell hehe oh well I think my work is done. Time to go

home." The goddess said with full of contentment to his work.

" Shorty! Can't you hear me? Or you're just pretending!" sky was really angry right now. This girl nearly killed him but now she was just ignoring him. Filled with hatred sky continued. " before you release that kind of spell you need to make sure no one would get hurt ! You nearly killed me! You—ahh hey can't you really hear me? Are deaf or something."

" Y-you dare to call this princess a sh***y. Oh God I can't even prounce properly . You will pay for your blasphemy." The goddess turned into a demon princess when she heard the words.

" Princess? Huh what kind of princess are you? You don't even have the etiquette of a true princess should have yet you called youself a princess? I'm really speechless right now, also no offense but there's no princess in this world is as short as you!"

" What the f-word! You just repeated it ahhh. I'm going to kill you right now!" This princess really lost her manners after she heard those words again. Her face redden as her eyes turned red from tears, though she immediately stop herself from crying.

No one ever dared to call her that in her kingdom. It's a taboo, if said death would be the result. But now she heard it coming from a lowly human that she couldn't even bother to look at. And what's more he said it twice. With her heart palpitating so fast she nearly lost it.

But this princess is still a princess. She adjusted her posture and calmly said.

" You!" She pointed at sky with lady like manner.

"What!?." Sky rebuke. This girl really infuriated him.

" Come here."

"Whhaaat? You just want to order me around after you just nearly took my precious life away?!"

" This order come from the Princess of the mighty Eros Kingdom so just obey you lowly human!" the princess said while raising his two hands and do an odd pose. Her words filled with majestic tone.

" What kingdom? I've never heard it before and it really did sound like erotic." Sky blurted out nonsense. He really want this girl to know his anger. An anger coming deep within his aching heart.

Right now sky was not himself he was suffering from a side effect caused by the hidden technic he just used. All emotions he will have is amplified. Thus, he can't control his emotions right now. Even in front of this powerful princess of an unknown kingdom he would not hide his anger and just voice it out. It sounds childish but he doesn't care.

" You really are daring, aren't you?" this princess really wanted to smack this lowly human right. But she controlled her emotions like a princess should have.

With out any facial expression she wave her staff. A strange invisible energy shot out from her staff and speed up toward sky. Every time that strange energy passed through the floor it would create a deep crevice on it.

Only when it was halfway through that it was discovered by sky. He was not really that slow it's just this strange is so hard to see paired with a sneak attack.


Sky hurriedly dodge but to his surprise the strange energy followed him. He move from left to right with high speed trying to shake of this energy.

" If I was at my peak I could shake this off easily. Hai!" sky said with dissatisfaction. With that back lash his strength was cut in half. He can't even exert more that 50% of his speed.

"Oh Your fast. But not fast enough!" the princess said. Even though she would speak or move with gracious manner. You could still feel the anger hidden inside on those words.


3 small ball of light appeared as she waved her staff diagonally. The space distorted as the 3 ball of light move. Even from far you could still feel it's raging heat. Clearly this 3 small ball of light is a miniature stars. This 3 small balls of light hovered around her.


Without wasting any more time she order the 3 small ball of light to still the fleeing sky. The small balls light dance in mid air like fireflies moving graciously at night. But this small balls of light was faster than the fireflies though. The speed of this small balls of light was so fast that sky can't even dodge.


He was hit.

He just saw this princess summon 3 small balls like fireflies and then wave her staff after that this spell already hit him. He couldn't even even react.


This speed could only describe by two words. Light Speed.


He fell on the ground.

Even though he still not dead and just half of his HP was taken he really was scared right now.

Fuck! Are you kidding me? The legendary light speed? Oh God I'm dead. Sky really just want to die right now. "I can't even react to this less dodge it. I really hate using that technic. It turned me to something I'm not. Mother luck if you really love me save me this time please just this time. I promise I won't be this reckless in the future."

A second later the strange energy also arrive.


The strange energy envelopes sky and then lifted him in to the air. This energy forcefully drag him towards the princess. Without any will to fight sky just let his body get dragged. Few seconds later he arrives in front of the princess.

Now face to face the two glared at each other.

" What? I taught you wanted to kill me? Why hesitate? Kill me now, I can't fight back any way." Breaking the awkward situation sky spoke with a provocative tone.

" Actually I really wanted to kill you right now but something intrigued me. Hmm what level are you?" the princess said those words filled with doubts.

" 82." Sky answered.

" Okay, So my Universal Eye was not really malfunctioning it was you who was a malfunction." The princess said. With his eyes glaring with interest with her found. She pondered for awhile and then say.

" Let's make a deal." The princess proposed.

" Speak."nswered with hopes. Maybe this deal could save his life.

" I will spare your life if you come with me at the kingdom and let me study your body hehe." she said with lips curled up in to malicious smile.

" W-what? Are you going to g-going to do with my body?" Sky stuttered when he heard those words. He thought that he could escape with his life intact but now his life would be worse than death. "A human lab rat." Thinking about his outcome make him shivers.

" I know what your thinking right now. But rest assured I'm not that mad enough to do that. Well you will know if you come with me at my kingdom. If you ask people how kind I am they would kill you on spot for asking that nonsense hahaha"

"oh come on stop being a masochist."

" so your answer is?"

"Can I ask you something first."


"Are you an NPC?"

"What's an NPC?"

"???" sky was puzzled. But he just shrugged it off and aggreed to her proposal. "Nevermind. Okay I agree, only if you won't slice of my body and take all the body parts for your study."

The answer of the princess really dI'd not bother him. Because some NPCs didn't know they are an NPC themselves just like this princess in front of him. But he was sure that this princess was not a player because no player could cast that kind of spell. Thinking about it really did scare him.

"Rest assured it won't be painful hahaha"