Robbery in broad daylight

After logging out sky rested for awhile before preparing his dinner. It's already 7pm when he logged out therefore he ate his dinner it's already 9pm.

He watched Anime afterwards for 3 hours. It's already past 12 o'clock when he slept.

In the morning he got up exactly 6am. He perform his bathroom routine. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, then change his clothes. Everything went smoothly as planned. He made his way to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. He liked his coffee brewed manual and he's an expert at that. But to his surprise he found that his stack of coffee bean ran out.

"Oh shoot. I forgot to go to the grocery store the other day. Tsk." Sky murmured. He was disappointed when he know that his need for coffee right now won't be granted. " I guess I'll go to the store after I finished my jogging routine." Sky made a plan in his mind.

Sky check everything before he left his home and head to the park. He left the condominium and jog his way to the park.

"It's really hard to start a day without my coffee, the weather is pleasant though." Sky murmured while looking up the sky watching the morning skies. He could feel the morning cold brushed his face. The suiting smell made by the morning due entered his nose. And the sound of insects that could calm your heart while listening to it.

He watched the sunrise with a pleasant smile. "If he had my coffee maybe this morning would be perfect. But~~ oh nevermind I'll simply get one at the coffee shop near the park. Thinking about it really makes me drool." Sky is having a daydream while admiring the sunrise.

At the same pace he arrived at the park after 20 minutes. This park is called the "sunrise" because in this park you could see the full view of the sun rising the sky. This park had was just like your typical park that could be seen in every city. This park has lots of trees and ponds to look at, lots of grass to walk on and fresh, fragrant air. Birds could be seen flying around and singing melodiously. This park also had a lot of walking paths that you can meander along. But most of all this park is strictly maintained clean by the local managers. Overall sunrise park is the best place to spend your daily exercise.

Sky made 4 laps of jog on the large field at the center of the park. Feeling his sweat filled his T-shirt sky made his to the public comfort room and change his clothes before drying them. When he finished everything in his schedule he didn't waste anymore time and find the nearest coffee shop.

He enjoyed his coffee so much that his facial expressions is now exaggerated.

That's how he spent his morning routine. Of course all people had a way to spend their morning like reading news paper while having breakfast. Even though he spent years on the dark part of the society he still couldn't change his morning routine. Much more stopping him from drinking his coffee. No God's could take away his addiction for coffee, if there is he's already missing in action.

After he finishes his coffee sky didn't forget to head the grocery store before going home. He walk unhurriedly while checking his balance in his Online pocket.

"Oh I still had enough points to buy some beef." Sky murmured.

When he arrived at the store he took a basket from the corner then headed to the right part of the store where he could find his coffee waiting for him to be fetched. Sky was walking unhurriedly along the paths when the corner of his eyes saw a man holding a basket filled with grocery items. There's nothing wrong with this man from the outside but if you look closely his movements are odd enough to catch the eyes of an expert like sky. This man look so nervous while picking some items. He would look left and right then sighed. But even though this man look suspicious sky couldn't be bother by it. Maybe this man is merely one of those thieves who love to sneak items from the stores. Sky continued his journey towards his princess. The princess of all the coffee in the world. "An instant coffee."

Sky reached his destination. Sky look at the piles of instant coffee glittering in front of him.

" Too bad I can't take all of you. But if your prince came back in the future I promised that I will spend all my money just to save you all from this forgotten place." Sky said. He voice was not that loud but some who where near him heard those line. They can't hold and laugh. But this scene can't be seen or heard by sky because he was so focus on his goal. To get his coffee!

Sky was not really that kind of a guy. But his love of coffee is too much that he could forget anything in this world but not his coffee. A former killer with a terrible past also needed something like this to make them forget even just for awhile.

He was a guy who would care if you give him something or someone to care of. He was a guy who would protect someone if needed. He was a guy who would love if you show you deserve his affection. But he was also a guy who kill if you give him a reason.

His personality is not that bad though. He is only a human with a human heart. He is not a cold blooded person but it doesn't mean you could just offend him and leave with no wounds and bruises.

Sky filled with satisfaction move towards the corner where fresh meats are lined up to let the people to choose freely. Sky picked the meat with pinkish in color because he know this meat is still young and tender. Great for making steak with.

Bang! Bang!

But when he was about to head towards the cashier to pay. Two gunshots rang inside the grocery store. Many panicked and just docked in corner then cover their ears. Although he heard this gunshot sky didn't panicked. He calmly put down his basket and simply sat at the floor then put his two hands at the back of his head. This is clearly a robbery so he just need to wait for the robbers to take their loot and leave. He didn't need to be a hero just to empress this people. And also this grocery store had their own financial backing so this little bit of a loss won't affect them too much.

Sky was three guys waving their guns up high to scare people while taking their belongings. This scene is not that bad though. No one would be hurt if they obediently handed their bags.

He had a rough estimation of this perpetrators including the one who was standing outside they added up to 7 armed robbers. He unknowingly activated his cautious sickness. A cautious person would always do this things even if unexpected events happened he would be prepared for it.

Surprisingly the man he saw earlier is also one of the perpetrators. He couldn't help but smirk from his mistake. "Why would I always commit mistakes on this days. Uhh it all started when I was killed by those fools… maybe that death affected me or something?" sky pondered.

" You!" one of the perpetrators shouted at sky while pointing at him.

"Uhh~~ me?" sky said blankly. He was shock when this man called him. He was clearly just sitting here why would this dumb as* would call him? Sky complained deep within his heart. He had no time for this lowly robbers to interact with.

" who else? I'm pointing at you dumb as* so it's clear as the day that I am calling you!" the man shouted loudly that all the people inside the grocery store can't help to turn their heads to see what is happening. Even the robbers at the cashier turned their heads too.

"Okay okay." Sky said with a lazy tone. But in his heart he was really annoyed by this man. "He was called a dumbas* by this dumbas*? Wtf." He really can't help to cusre right now. Sky got up and asked." What do you want."

" stop pretending to be an ordinary man. We all know here that your rich." The man said.

"ohh?" sky was suddenly had an enlightenment. He now understood this situation. " so this guy's know where I live. Heh that's why they gained interest after seeing me here. Well I can't help it really I'm just too famous to not be recognized easily." Sky was just spouting nonsense but some of his thoughts are on point.

This guy's know where he lived because they made an encampment near the condominium where sky live at. They would always scout all the people who live there and attempt to rob them. However, the reality made them want to cry. All the people who live at that condominium had so many body guards which outnumbered them. So how could they even touch the prey if they died from the hands of those who protects it.

But this robbery is one of their luckiest ever. They spotted some who live there right here at this grocery store.

" Hand all your possession." The man reached out his hands signaling sky to come over and give all his possession to him.

" okay." Sky obediently handed his phone even his pocket.

The man happily received it. They gained a big loot this time.

This scene happened so smoothly no side show whatsoever happened. Sky was not really broken hearted though. His pocket only had 10$ on it. And his phone only cost 50$ he didn't need to kill just to retain that much money. A life is so precious that he couldn't take it away so easily.

The man left sky and headed to the cashier. Later when he arrived he flaunt his gain to his leader. Well that scene was comical though. He is flaunting a 60$ gain from his dumb founded leader who also didn't know anything.