Book 1 the Mother
Chapter 1 Mother Corn
Chapter 2 the Late Autumns Ride
Chapter 3 Wolves Run and the Red Flower
Chapter 4 the Poet
Chapter 5 the Poet's Memories
Chapter 6 what lies ahead?
Chapter 7 Eden 1.1
Chapter 8 Children of the Earth and Moon
Chapter 9 Sins of the Past
Chapter 10 Sonata of the Everlasting
Chapter 11 Dreams and Dreaming
Book 2 the Weaver
Chapter 12 Into the Meadows of Heaven
Chapter 13 The Weaver's Resolve
Chapter 14 King of the Mountain
Chapter 15 Book of saint Dove
Chapter 16 Darklings
Chapter 17 Whim of a Father
Chapter 18 the Second Coming
Chapter 19 Warwing's Decent
Chapter 20Arms of the Prophet
Chapter 21 Tempting the Lord
Chapter 22 Elec
Chapter 23 Home
Chapter 24 Speaking with Gods
Book 3 the Goddess
Chapter 25 King of the Republic
Chapter 26 The Last Day
Chapter 27 Into the Unknown
Chapter 28 the New World
chapter 29 Prophecy of a Rising Sun
Book 1 The Mother
In a tiny church, hidden in the depths of a cave, a young knight returns home. He flips down the hood of his green shroud then drops his cape onto the ground revealing the plated leather armor thereunder. Odidimus Grayland is his name, he is amongst the 8th generation of knights breed and born in the walls of the old church. These walls were not constructed by the Grayland, or by any other Kobolt. This majestic place is another relic of what is called 'the Third Grate Race.'
Jessica the Weaver waltzes over to her beloved, dressed in the Crimson Robe that marks her as the one true Weaver, her bloodstone pendant hangs between her breast. The Weaver is a powerful woman in the church. She is charged with walking between the clans, caring for the ill, and granting the last will of the dying. She is the spiritual leader of the people. Jessica kneels down taking the cape from around Odidimus feet, her eyes turn up looking to her lover. "the rest of the regiment returned hours ago."
Odidimus walks forth looking up at one of the many mighty stained-glass widows "Cowards, all of them. when the river cats stepped up to the shore, they fled leaving me alone to voice our will." As he talks four children run up to greet their father; two boys, Timothy and Chase, two girls, Jenna and Mazzea.
The stained-glass reveals a symbol, two armies, one of winged men armed with spears with the letter "T" cut into their silver-plated armor, the other men adorned with animal skins like that of the cat people. The pelt waring barbarians run from the winged warriors "I fear" Odidimus explains "we are growing undisciplined, ununified." Odidimus looks to his lover "once upon a time did not all the clan's wave but one flag?"
Jessica slides up alongside Odidimus to start unbuckling the straps of his armor for him. "Yes, but that was ages ago. Not since the eon of the Jade King has such a thing been our way."
Odidimus can't seem to pull himself away from the stained-glass window, the likeness of the winged warriors burning into his soul. "we need a symbol, something we can gather behind for strength. Our stories, our legends. Something that draws them all together." Odidimus quickly turns to Jessica nearly pushing her over in his excitement. "My beloved, what was this building during the last age?"
Jessica rests her back against the wall. Illuminated by torchlight shining in through the window, Jessica's arms fold under her breast as she pushes her glasses up on her nose "It was called a 'monastery' in the age of the third grate race men came here to offer tribute to cosmic monsters in hopes of satiating them"
Odidimus eyes go wide as he tries to imagine what that must have meant "did they fear these monsters?"
"or they loved them." Jessica shuts her eyes as past lives start to play out in her mind "they loved and feared the old ones so much so as to drive their race into extinction as they debated which of the old ones to worship."
Odidimus smiles and bites one hand thinking aloud. "Such devotion could be useful if only we could harvest it..."
Chapter 1:
Mother Corn
Mother Corn is a young kobolt (small mouse-like humanoid) she has long front teeth and silver black, white speckled fur, long and slick as-well-as bright blue eyes so to do her seven children, only six of which traveled with her today, the seventh staid with the forest medicine mouse.
Corn has traveled to the old acres in search of the maiden called "Jessica the Weaver." She remembers when she was a dumpling herself. Jessica the weaver was loved and admired. But after an argument with the leader of the clan's she was labeled a witch and banished to the dark side of the isles. It was a sad day for the tribes but Jessica had quiet dignity; she made no fuss as she left.
The clans, on the other hand, were more than discontented. The loss of their Weaver resulted in many of tribe turning against the church and creating their own government. That was almost ten seasons ago, and Corn can only hope that time has been good for the Weaver for she desperately needs her wisdom.
The forest is dark and dead at this end; the trees are white the land is gray, the trees flutter with black feathers. Deep red eyes come into sight from high in the treetops. Corn hastens her children's steps. A singular Gloomwing in the trees outstretches her wings; her fingertips hook outwards as her claws dig into the tree and her tail rest across her back. The bird strikes the prayer stance all birds know as 'The Black Swan Invocation' "I am Baba-Yung, In the Name of Kari, All I see belongs to me."
Evil blackbirds descend upon them, their beaks of steel nip at the children's necks. Mother Corn throws herself at the birds protecting them with the utmost of affection. The birds fall from the trees like armies of the dead. A claw grips Corn's wrist as a beak tacks her thigh; the evil birds cry out in victory as the mouse maiden falls to her back, vampirically they drink from her wounds.
Boldly the boy called Pepper reaches into the mud and draws out a hefty bit of wood. With all the force he can muster he pulls the stick overhead and cleaves down at the winged devil on his mother's leg, the girl called Cream fallows her twins' lead gripping another by its wings she bites the crow. Frightened by the assault the birds fly up into the trees to regroup for yet another strike.
Butter and Garlic (the youngest of the group) take Corn by the arms pulling her to her feet. Limping they family fumbles through the trees. Blackbirds taunt them from behind the scent of fresh blood filling their hearts with fire and their veins with lust. Ahead the trees turn greener, and the voice of the trees beckon them onwards as does a soft voice awaiting them in the grotto.
"Come forth darlings, and make all haste."
An untraditional Kobolt awaits with golden brown fur and a robe, not earth-toned like the one's Corn and her children dawn but one like thoughts in the old times with the colors of the town flag about them, vibrant red, commanding attention, is her color with a golden inner lining. This kobolt stands slightly hunched forward and has no fur on her tail or hands unlike Corn and atop her noise sits two bits of crystal held together by a needle and string. "I see you Kari, face me if you dare," she whispers to the trees and the blackbirds fluttering from atop them. Passing from darkness into light Corn and her family crosses an invisible wall that seems to eminent from within the dominant and beautiful Weaver, The birds are turned away.
Corn cannot understand what has transpired, only that she and her children were offered salvation. Upon catching her breath Corn raises herself from the prism of blossoms and falls into the loving arms of Jessica the Weaver. To spite ten sessions apart, she intently recognizes the face of the heroic storyteller. Corn dares not speak a word, Jessica instead offers greetings "you are weary darling, please come inside" the motherly Weaver cradles the young mouse-mother wrapping her cloak about her and leading the lot into a modest hut.
The bird Baba stands in the treetops watching as the kobolt's are pulled out of her reach. Embarrassed she flies off in search of food and fun, maybe something less dangeruse then the legendary Jessica the Weaver.
"Discard your garbs; you are covered in filth." Jessica request of the children as they step inside, neither child nor mother protest. Jessica leads Corn into the back of the tiny house and binds her wounds with cloth and ropes "Gloomwings, hideous little beast" she whispers as she works.
Pepper still brandishing the branch he had found interrupts Jessica's work "You're Jessica the Weaver, Parma, the Medicine-mouse said you're a witch!"
Jessica need not look up from her bindings to respond "he is not wrong, but I would hardly call him right. What do you think little pepper, slayer of crows" she playfully grins at the tiny warrior.
"You know my name?" he asks looking shocked.
"I know all your names: Pepper, you were the firstborn, eldest by fifty-five whole minutes. You have four sisters in order they are: Cream, Butter, Salt, and Mint is the youngest of the girls, but she is older than Garlic by only three minutes. Then add your other brother Onion, and that makes seven. Strange that I don't see him here."
Pepper looks around for a moment as if to search the room for the key to solving this puzzle "how do you know?"
"I know because I must now."
Pepper moves in cautiously almost hopping into Jessica "you whispered to the trees a name…"
"Who is that?" Pepper stands nose to nose with Jessica.
Jessica faces him placing one hand on his cheek "if every heart in the world filled with love belonged to me, then everyone filled with sadness would be hers."
Peppers eyes turn soft with inquiry "why is she so sad?"
Jessica sets her hand to Corn's stomach whispering to her "rest a spell, we will have much to discuss soon." she turns her attention back on Pepper "you certainly want to know a lot don't you?" Pepper nods. "the Crow always plays the melancholy heroes, A life filled with magic that can harm or heal any that she may wish, but never can she see the magic for herself. The Crows want only one thing, but fate transpires to say never will they have it."
Pepper leans in close, the two share a breath, with wide eyes he asks "what does the crow want?"
Jessica rests her nose to peppers ear speaking ever so softly as she hugs the boy "to draw a warm breath and feel soft skin."
Pepper shutters in Jessica's arms "why can't they have it?"
Jessica's lips touch his ear "the Crow traded her heart for wings and her skin to learn to fly." she explains softly "Would you trade your skin to fly? It's a titillating puzzle isn't it?" Pepper mouth drops and eyes widen as he envisions the diabolical nature of the Blackbirds. Jessica playfully wraps her teeth around one of his ears "now go watch after your sisters wiliest I finish up with your mother."
Pepper walks out of the room, a slight jitter to his step, his tail slightly elevated from the unfamiliar feelings of both fear and excitement Jessica has inspired. "How old are they? They must be close to twelve sessions, practically adults already."
Corn looks up feeling her bandages "heavens no, they're not yet ten sessions."
"did you spot Pepper's little skip there? He is already showing signs of..."
Corn cuts Jessica off "stop that. I'm not ready to think about that."
"there are advantages to having mature offspring you know."
"You naughty old hermit." Corn slaps at Jessica but then recoils as her wounds start to hemorrhage. Jessica forces her into a lying posture "You most sit still girl, or you'll bleed to death." Corn calms herself "why isn't Onion with you? And for that matter what are you doing so far from the borrows? It's at least half a day's walk to the village from here."
"Onion is quite unwell. The Medicine-mouse said he has Consumption, some inheritance from his father; the medicine-mouse thinks if I go to Elec mountain I will find the magic to heal him."
"A mother's journey. I have been there. It is unfair to ask anyone to make that walk, To risk so much. Only those who truly understand the weight of life dares to try. So why come to me?"
"Theea the Crier told me about the road to Elec, told me to see to it my earthly affairs are inline. My only concern is that my children live to have young of their own. Should I not come home. I want you to choose mates for them and protect them until they are strong enough to do so on their own."
"and for that, you beseech a witch? Aren't we brave?"
"storyteller when I was a girl I used to hear you spine your webs day and night, you are no witch, you are a merciful angle."
"you are too kind. You must sleep now. I will do your bidding."
* * *
the diversity of Corn's children is overwhelmingly dynamic to spite all of them (supposedly) having the same father. Between the two boys; Pepper is the more aggressive, Onion is mostly passive. Garlic is by far the tallest of the kids standing even two paws over her mother, but she is timid and homely most would say. Butter is short and plump but was the first of the girls to start showing signs of maturity. Cream is the most like her mother soft-spoken but still frisky when frightened or angry. Mint is wonder-struck always sniffing about looking for new thing. Salt is the most childish and a follower by nature will even mischievous more often than not reinforcing all of Garlic and Pepper's worst ideas.
Pepper walks back into the main room of the cottage, Salt is whispering with Garlic who is, in turn, blushing bashfully, Garlic offers Salt a playful push away, and just barely loud enough to here softly yells "no I won't, you filthy little rat!"
Mint and Butter turn their attention to the quit bantering. Cream shacks herself off and looks back to Pepper "is Mother well?"
"The witch claims she needs sleep." Pepper replies
"Weaver!" Garlic corrects him
"Whatever!" Pepper yells at her
Cream cuts them off "will you two hush down!"
Mint's nose twitches as she falls onto all fours and starts looking about. Butter reaches down to pull Mint's tail as she walks past, Butter tugs up on Mint's tail, Mint snarls in turn "what are you sniffing at?" Butter asks.
"Smells like burnt meat," Mint explains
Cream looks about, "I don't smell anything but sunbaked flowers."
"My nose is stranger than yours, its old meat, like, salt-packed meat." Mint goes on
Pepper looks confused "like that fake skin dad had?"
Garlic scoffs "it wasn't fake, it just wasn't his, he killed a bear and cooked the skin into a blanket."
Mint pushes a spice cabinet aside to reveal a hidden door. Without giving it a second thought Mint swings open the door to reveal a room filled with cabinets overflowing with leather parchments and a fire pit, an armchair and arched treasure-chest, a caldron, flowers that glow like a captive flam, and a tapestry for a rug showing some beast of an ancient race with powder white hair and pastel robs gathered around a table reading a pyros.
The children nearly pile atop one another to look into the room. "What is this place?"
Mint, Cream, Butter, and Salt all ask looking at Garlic and Pepper.
Pepper looks down to Mint at the bottom of the dog pile "you opened the door, you tell us."
Mint takes the lead walking in, she walks around a moment then looks back "It's Jessica's bedroom."
"I don't see a bed?" Garlic questions as nibbling on one of her fingers.
Cream speaks up "who hides there bedroom anyway?"
Pepper picks up one of the parchments "it's a storeroom for whatever these are."
Salt bounces up and down "is it delicious? Put it in your mouth and see."
"Don't; it's some kind of cloth." Garlic cuts in
Jessica sneaks into the room behind them "That is the sources of the Weaver's power." The kids scream and huddle around each other. Jessica walks around and takes the scroll form Pepper; she unrolls it to look at the first lines "The Late Autumns Ride" she smiles "for so long as most can remember history has been kept by the Weavers, in an audible format. We tell our children stories, and they tell them to their children in turn. But there was a time when the 'Huma' had too many stories to remember so they learned to draw sounds, so they wouldn't have to remember."
Salt cuts in "what is a Huma?"
"they were the third grate race: after the Tamriel, and the Fay, came the Huma, then the Gedira, the Darkling, and finial us the Kobolt, The Huma where the most powerful of the grate and Ancient ones, there power only rivaled by Kari." Jessica explains
"Then why are they gone" Cream ask
"If the words in these scrolls are true it is because they fought Kari for control of time and space and lost."
Pepper comes in "that doesn't sound so great or mighty. Kari is afraid of you after all."
"Her minions fear me." Jessica points out, "birds and wolves flee from me. But Kari, as we know her today, is only a memory of a greater beast called Cravixs, the god-king of our world." Brightly Jessica smiles as her eyes lower "but that was a distant time when the god-kings where cruel. Today is a different day. So long as we stay near our holes, the gods and their kin keep their distances, and for that we are thankful. Vindictive gods are a troublesome thing."
Garlic pipes in "you talk as if you remembered a time when they were."
"I do. At least I can see what things looked like before the peace tax. These scrolls talk about that time to grate length. As far back as Huma history goes they fought the god. Ill-content with the weakness and sickness bred into their being, if ever one was to fight to overthrow the natural order and become masters of creation it would have been them."
Butter sits alongside Jessica looking up to her "you idolize them."
"I feel they are deserving. Even the tongue we speak with today was inherited from them. Your name Butter was one they made up; in Huma it means a spun of cream or milk." She places a hand between Butter's ears and rubs down her noise. Butter laughs in turn. "would you like me to read from one of the Huma scrolls for you?" The kids move in close sighting at Jessica's feet. "I'll start with that one you found Pepper."