Red Twilight the Weaver chapter 25

Chapter 25:

The king of the Republic

Odidimus is not a large man, not even by his own people's standards. Being of smaller sizes has a hand full of advantages but is not without a hindrance to boot. His arms and legs are short; his hips sit close to the ground, in a fist fight this makes you fast and gives you leverage over a taller man. On the other hand, your lungs suffer, Odidimus is also hefty and old on top of that, these things don't lend themselves well to flying.

At takeoff having just been caring a number of younger and more fit passengers, Warwing wants to fly high and fast. It doesn't take long for Odidimus to start to become ill and ask her to get closer to the ground.

The skies are bright orange; it is late in the year; the farmers are pulling up their fields filling the air with clay and dust giving the air a strong sent only a farm boy could fully explain. It takes Odidimus back to his youth to see the golden valleys once more. It seems somehow fitting, gold fields of grain filled his childhood dreams with wonder and now approaching the winter of his life he sees them from atop the wings of a giant, a perspective most dream of as the vantage of the honorable dead.

Odidimus filled the summer of his life with greed and grandeur; he feels as if he has decreased himself. Now he has one last changes to redeem himself. Strange as it is, if not for the suffering he had seen in the past day's he might never have looked so deeply into himself and seen all the things about himself he is unsatisfied with.

Warwing calls up "we are almost to Acorn Woods, that is where the king of the Unpine lives."

Odidimus thinks hard for a short time "Yes. But go past it, carry on to Winterskiss."

"Winterskiss?" Warwing sounds unclear.

"Yes, I want to see the king of your tribe first. Think about it my girl, it will take you one day to reach from one end of the island to the other and then come back. Now if I need to spend half a day at each camp on the way, then this flight will leave little time for our escape." Odidimus coheres his mount.

"that will leave no time to escape. Don't spend half the day at any camp." Warwing is upset.

"and even if I spend only the time to eat and drink in each town we still have no means of moving the people and so we need the strength of the Rok on our side."

"I do not know how much strength my brother will offer you."

"he will offer as much as he can."

The wind is stiff, it makes Odidimus eyes water as they fly, Warwing is unharmed by the splitting wind, Warwing is angry at this point, she had little interest in seeing her brother. This time had to come, sooner or later she would need to make this trip but after there last argument she had secretly hoped she wouldn't have to.


When the two travelers reach Winterskiss Warwing lands atop the roof of the central monument, what was Winterskiss? Not even the Weaver can remember. It is a compound so large it can even house thousands of Roks. the walls are so tall it takes twenty Roks standing on each other's heads to reach from ground to ceiling. When the Roks found it so many years ago, it housed little but a hand full of stone figures, a device made up of mostly string and hammers that made a strange sound when touched and a painting of a monkey-like beast most unhappily hanging from a dead tree swarmed by a gleeful crowd.

To Warwing's surprise Caliguluse seems happy to see her, he prances over joyfully tying a branch of figs around her neck as he dances about her. "Elizabata, my most beautiful sister, welcome home." Caliguluse provocatively slides his beak under hers tipping her head back, as Warwing looks back down at him. Caliguluse touches his tongue to Warwing's nose. "Come inside at once. I have something to share."

The imperial bird waves one wing back ushering the two of them into his living space. There they are greeted by a stonework monster that seems to be a stone representation of Caliguluse but ten times his size. Caliguluse spreads his wings and fans his tail mimicking the stance of his statue. "The King of the Sun. Caliguluse, the divine made flesh, bask in my glory for I have just crowned myself the new patron god of our tribe, and you my queen. May all your eggs grow to match the glory of their fathers." Caliguluse points his wings in at himself and bobs his head narcissisticly.

Odidimus looks up in confusion "you named yourself a sun god?"

Caliguluse jumps forth lowing his head looking for the sound "who speaks? Why?"

Odidimus climbs down from Warwing's back "are you a madman. You cannot name yourself a god."

"why not. Who gets to say who gets to be a god if that power is not in the hands of a king? I am a perfect god. My power is unmatched, my word is law, I have laid eggs with every woman on this island that is worth my blessing, and every man and beast in this hall has roosted with me. I have dominated everything since the passing of my uncle."

"that makes you loony. Not god." Caliguluse movies in close to Odidimus touching his beak to the rat's chest, Odidimus steps back placing his walking stick between them proclaiming "take a step back if you don't mind."

"But I do. What is a rat doing in my den?" Caliguluse orders.

"I am Odidimus, King, and keeper of Graywall and I have come in times of great hardship to employ the aid of my brothers."

"We are Roks you are a rat, you will find few of your brothers here, and even if they came, chances are they are food."

"Nonsense, you Caliguluse are my brother, and it is you I seek."

Caliguluse lifts his head looking about boredly, he locks eyes with Warwing. "Elizabata, my lovely. I can taste your love in the air. why don't we lay an egg so long as you are home?"

Warwing squawks in frustration "Are you Ill brother?"

"quite the opposite, do you remember when you and I were yearlings and you caught the worm-tongue fever, the sage gave you a mixture of apple heart, beet sugar, and Tree-grass soup to cure you. It was the vilest drink in the world you told me, simply dipping your beak in it nearly killed you. But it did kill the worms. The drink made you strong, the day after you drank it you could feel no pain and were stronger than three birds…"

"I was also blind and dumb that day," Warwing adds

"all that strength from one beak full. I have been tasting the potion for weeks, now I can drink a bathing vessel full of it and gain all the power with none of the weakness."

Odidimus taps his staff to the ground "enough of this silliness, call your chamber at once, I must address your tribe at the earliest possible conveniences."

"the chamber to which you speak is me and no one else. The rest of the congressmen are dead, I tossed their empty shells into the sea." the king of birds holds out his arms showing off his size.

Warwing tips her head asking "how?"

"I ripped off their wings." No longer entertained by the questions Caliguluse rushes forth pushing Warwing over, the smaller bird girl falls onto her back pulling her legs into her chest and spreading her wings in confusion as Caliguluse places his claws on her wings to hold her still. A slight chuckle escapes Caliguluse as he rests himself over Warwing. The bird king pants and drools as he wiggles from side to side preparing to violate his sister.

Warwing Cries and flaps about trying to regain her balance. Odidimus outraged crawls up Caliguluse body and sticks his walking stick up Caliguluse nose. "that is about enough of that

I think." Caliguluse freezes in place as he can feel the pressure from the stick under his skin.

Odidimus lifts the stick slightly pulling his Caliguluse head backward "now I don't know if you are mad or just plain crazy, but if you can't contain your demons I would be happy to do it for you. Now here is what I need form you King of Winterskiss. Our island is about to fall into the sea, and we need to movie everyone in the kingdom to Graywall and then off the island…"

In a struggle against a beast larger then oneself an indispensable rule is 'Pain Compliance.' this rule states that you must use the minimum amount of force to hold your target at bay. to do otherwise triggers a survival reflects allowing your opponent to push against the pain looking for relief. Odidimus forgot this in his anger. Caliguluse flicks his head back standing up and in turn, throws Odidimus onto his back.

Warwing starts to stand but Caliguluse stomps on her chest to hold her down.

"Preatorians!" Caliguluse yells and a dozen birds flock into the room. In an instant Warwing is in chains and Odidimus is captured in the mouth of one of the soldiers "Dress my sister as a hen and bringer her to the entertaining hall, as for the rat, give him a spear and some fighting garbs, he is going to duel Dux." The two of them kick and scream as they are cared off but their cries fall on deaf ears.


Odidimus is outfitted in tableware is marched into a sandpit with a fork and a plate as weapons, the fight is apparently exploitation, Odidimus is meant to die for the entertainment of the so-called bird god. Theatrically Caliguluse lifts his arms to the sky and calls down to the mouse being dragged to his pending death "If one wishes to come into my home with dreams of overthrowing the words of their god-king let this fate be known. Slay Dux, and I will hear your words. otherwise…" Caliguluse points at his Captain "Dux, bring me my tribute! Kill him gently."

Odidimus calls back to Caliguluse fruitlessly "Vanity will be the death of you Caliguluse."

Dux is in old women, well-passed breeding age, she has a bald spot on her chest and only one eye, the skin on her legs is bruised red and yellow as reminders of a hundred battles she has fought and won. Odidimus can only assume that Dux has served as the elder hunter to this tribe for many generations

"have no fear my pray, Muninn will not forget your sacrifice," Dux calls as she holds her wings and feet apart awaiting the order to attack. Odidimus holds the plate before himself hiding behind it; he tucks the fork behind his back gripping it hard. The battle is hopeless; there is simply no way that the aged king can hope to overpower the weathered warrior before him. If her beak grips his chest or head she will break him in two; if her claws grip him surly, she will rend him asunder. Odidimus can only hope to outsmart this hero of a hundred battles.

Birds sing a song of suffering in honor of the combatants, Caliguluse ties his flowing rob tight around his body as he lowers down to a resting position alongside his chained sister. Dux hisses low as she drops her head and fans her tail revealing her massive size in all its glory.

"FIGHT!" Caliguluse orders.

Dux charges forth thrusting her head at Odidimus, Odidimus throws the shield after being struck and falls onto his back. Odidimus was a once trained in hand to hand, he cants remember much, and he was never good, but he remembers the simplest and most essential parts, how to fall without getting harmed and how to stand back up without jumping into your enemies' arms or giving them your tail. Odidimus land flat on his back, he holds his arms away from his body to maximize his surface area and minimize the stress on his bones form the fall.

Dux is standing over Odidimus, Odidimus rolls onto his side resting on his hip and one elbow, he pulls one lag into his chest for cover and holds one hand up pointing his fork. Dux swings her beak stabbing at him. Odidimus rolls side to side transferring his weight from hip to hip to keep out of her reach. After a dozen rolls, Odidimus swings his fork up stabbing at Dux beak, but it bounces off the hard cartilage. Dux opens her beak wide and goes to pick up Odidimus. Odidimus shoves the fork into her uvula when she exposes her mouth to him.

Enraged Dux takes the fork in her mouth and thrashes side to side peeling it away from the king of mice. Resting on ones back is about the worst place one can be, you are slow when on your back, it is hard to protect your vitals, and it is hard to find ways to redirect an incoming assault. Odidimus moves his feet onto dux beak when she comes in for another bit and pushes off her making himself roll head over heels then jumps to his feet facing her. He has made distance, and that is a good thing, Odidimus understands that it takes more time to block an attack then throw one so a dozen steps give one time to look around and come up with an attack plain.

Dux stomps forth. Seeing nothing else in reach Odidimus swoops down grabbing a fistful of rocks from around his feet, He throws the handful of earth at his attacker. Dux growls and spins in a loop lashing with her wings and her tail as she shacks the rocks for her feathers and sneezes Odidimus eats a wings strike and falls over again. The sheer mass of his target being overwhelming but having been hit from the side lets him drop his shoulder in and roll back upright.

When Dux faces front again, she is filled with furry at the honor-less maneuver. She picks one foot up and thrust it down at her pray, Odidimus slides off to the side to stay away from the great bird. Dux shuffles off to fallow her target kicking him. Odidimus grabs dux foot and claws his way up her body. Dux lashes side to side and Odidimus holds on to her for all he is worth. Dux throw herself onto her side feeling Odidimus on her back. Odidimus flips around hiding on her chest as she rolls on her back then swings around onto her side as she rolls onto her chest. But again, Odidimus is outdone, he fails to remember that a bird's neck is not shaped like a kobolts and she can look straight down and straight back. Dux grads Odidimus in her mouth as he tries to run up her neck.

After taking in her environment for a time and coming to understand who is who, in this presiding Warwing makes her move. Warwing jumps to her feet and slides her mouth around Caliguluse throat just under his beak, she pushes down and back bending her brother over in a most uncomfortable way. She calls out to the Preatorians, "free Odidimus or a tare the king beak from his face."

Caliguluse giggles "you can't do that." As if not fully aware of his surroundings he moves his wings around Warwing's body rubbing up her sides.

"you have pealed wings from men's backs you know I am powerful enough to crush your skull with my jaws." Warwing starts to squeezes her brother to make her point known, only then does Caliguluse start to take heed of what has happened and flap is wings calling for aid.

The Preatorians start to move in to attack Warwing, Warwing turns her eyes calling to them "one more step, and we see if my brother really is a god!" The guards freeze waiting for orders from there king.

The thought of death at his sister's hands sobers Caliguluse in a hurry, and he calls out gagging "drop Odidimus, Dux!"

After Dux drops Odidimus, Warwing stands up and stand atop her brother pRoklaiming her dominance. "I am Elizabata, rightful speaker of the Republic of Winterskiss; All in this house that remember my name give me your ears. Ragnarok is coming, but I have found our escape, but to escape alone is to live without the wisdom and honor we pride ourselves on so greatly. King Odidimus and Jessica the Weaver have a plane to save all of us from the wraith of Kari. In the names of the first king and queen Huginn and Muninn lift your wings and come with me if it is glory you seek!" As if with one voice All of Winterskiss call out to their queen. Warwing steps off of her brother and looks down to him her eyes full of love and forgiveness "my beloved brother, you have done much without honor, but all you have done has been with the good of the Commonwealth in mind I have no doubt. When hunger and fear run rampant, a lonely voice must rise to calm the fire. You are drowsy; your head is heavy from the weight of the, allow me to carry your burdens for a time." She slides her head under her brother's beak and runs her nose up his body nuzzling him like a child


With only the slightest of nods, Caliguluse gives into Warwing's offer "by the power vested in me by the Republic of Winterskiss. Let it be known to all that today Caliguluse and is five hundred strongest fly to the aid of Graywall Keep" cheers echo as far as can be heard as Winterskiss rallies to the aid of their king, and to the aid of their onetime friends. A relationship that died with the passing of the old king now risen with but a spark.

Still, dizzy from the battle Odidimus does not cheer but instead sits on the foot of Dux, only scantly breathing, Dux leans over looking upside-down at her former rival "you are spry for an old mouse."

"thank you kindly, madam." He struggles to say placing one hand on Dux noise and patting her.


With Caliguluse at their back, no one stands in to argue with the summoning to Graywall, not even the cat. And with each monarch to join the others become only that much more eager to hear the story that leads up to this moment. In two days' time, all the tribes of the kingdom have gathered outside the gates of Graywall for the first time in the history of the kingdom.

Jessica the Weaver stands tall on the walls looking down with her most trusted followers at her back. Mother Corn and her family, the Great and Powerful Rodney, Preston the captain of the guards, Theea the blind, Parma the Healer, and Penelope, Odidimus' Honor guard. "look at them, there are so many of them, what is one to do?"

Preston looks at her placing a soft hand on her back, "and there are more on the way. By sunrise, every best in the kingdom should be down there waiting to be addressed. But do not loose hart this is what the some of your life has been leading to. Your finest day."

Penelope speaks up. "Odidimus and Warwing are looking for Monty; he has not been seen in four or more days. I hope they arrive soon."

Jessica looks to Corn. "Corn, I will pass soon. When I do, I hereby pass my name and power onto you. Everything that is mine hereafter becomes yours shy of my staff, glasses and the robe off my back." Jessica removes her bangle and hands it to Corn. "Even this, the symbol of the ancient power."

"is this not the sources of the Weaver's power, and are you not immortal?"

"maybe my body is, but that will not matter soon. I cannot give you give my memories however much I wish I could, but this is a good start. When my mate returns go to my home and take every book, you can find, have Warwing hold them for you, surely you will find my spell book and with my bangle, you will have the key to unlock it."

Corn nods not fully understanding the strange way Jessica is talking.

Baba-Yung looks to Corn; Baba hops onto her arm and whispers with her "Jessica is not misleading you. She has done something unspeakable. When you are the Weaver, always remember that you are an image of light standing against the darkness. You must become even greater then Jessica is if you wish to honor her name."

The lot falls silent for a time.