Chapter 228 - A Priest’s Golden Ratio

Brave Surge, who was taking the lead in this assault, calmed his panicking men. When Gu Fei's Blazing Tree of a Thousand Inferno sprouted from beneath the ground, all the members of Water Flower mercenary group started to panic as they knew full well just how high Gu Fei's Spell Damage was. What was worse was that everyone had been caught unaware by this sneaky attack and had no means to dodge it in time. To make matters worse, none of them had any idea where the spellcaster who had unleashed this spell was despite having lost quite a few of their compatriots as the fire raged on.

The melee job classes surrounded War Without Wounds as Brave Surge brought the Mages, Archers, and other ranged job classes to search for Gu Fei. From Brave Surge's combat experience, he could tell where Gu Fei was situated when he cast Blazing Tree of a Thousand Inferno. He was sure that Gu Fei was near them, so he and the rest of Water Flower only searched within the nearby area.