Chapter 232 - Ultimate Class 3, Set Off!

Plenty of people were coming and going under the arch of the city's north gate around this time, and the scene of a group of players lining up in four neat rows attracted the attention of many of these passersby. Gu Fei might be standing before them looking all dignified, yet with how he was regarding this group of students, it was apparent that he was trying his best to appear as if he did not know any of them.

"Just what is going on here?" some of the nearby players whispered to one another.

"I don't know!"

"Oh, I know! It's the army! The country finally sent an army into this game. China is beginning to attach importance to MMOs!" someone said excitedly.

"Go to hell! You've read too many YY novels. They are just a bunch of kids; maybe, they are all boy scouts?"