Chapter 235 - Competitive Quest

The members of Ultimate Class 3 Guild proceeded to the valley's entryway in an orderly fashion. The lack of any onlookers made them feel less embarrassed and caused their jubilation at capturing the Brigand leader to gradually rise. Gu Fei smiled wryly to himself, They are just a bunch of kids through and through; making them feel awkward is really not easy!

Along the way, they encountered a party that was heading inside the valley.

This party of twenty-seven players felt somewhat intimidated by Ultimate Class 3's high form of discipline, which was displayed through the neat rows of students marching in unison. Moments later, these twenty-seven men saw that two Warriors among Gu Fei's group were carrying a tightly bound Boss, causing the men's expression to become somewhat unnatural.

"So that's how it is," all of them furtively whispered to one another.