Chapter 255 - The Map’s Underlying Intent

Royal God Call understood the reason behind Gu Fei's action once he heard their explanations. Since he no longer thought badly of Gu Fei's action, he cared not whether he got paid by him or not for the Electric Wall Scroll. Brother Assist's analysis was spot on; Gu Fei indeed had good grasp of their personality and treated them in different ways depending on it.

As Gu Fei sprinted away from the bar, he read the description for his newly acquired skill: 

[Electric Wall 

Skill effect: Construct a barrier that blocks everything using the destructive properties of lightning. 

Skill duration: 20 seconds]

Blocks everything… The system's description for a skill was often exaggerated. Take the Fireball spell as an example; it was stated that the spell could burn everything! Gu Fei paid little attention to this and merely chanted, "Electric Wall! Fall!"