Chapter 385 - Crossing the Wall of Flames

"Let's evade it before we discuss this further!" Drifting cried out as everyone stepped into the firestorm before them once more. The Blazing Tree of a Thousand Infernos slowly but surely depleted everybody's HP, but they had no choice but to bear it.

Seeing Flame Singed Clothes hide behind Southern Lone Blade's shield as he continued to display his prowess, War Without Wounds could only grit his teeth and bottle up his anger inside him.

"Drifting, Cast your own spells to match his! Let's see who dies first!" War Without Wounds spat acidly.

"No way!" Drifting and Royal God Call both cried out at the same time. Royal God Call once more revealed an expression as if he had just swallowed poison, allowing Drifting to explain to War Without Wounds, "That guy's cooldowns are reduced to the point where its unreasonably short. I reckon in the time I can cast two spells, he would be able to toss out five in response. Who do you think will die first?"