Chapter 389 - A Swathe of Traps

Deep Waters had not taken such a vantage point for show. This position actually guaranteed he would be able to initiate an attack on the streets around him from any angle. Without any hesitation, Deep Waters drew his bow and fired an arrow towards the newcomer.

Naturally, this person making his way over was Gu Fei. The large building he had walked out of was Luori City's Bounty Assignment Hall, where he had been busy cleansing his PK value. That person whom he had just slain was a player at a grinding zone outside of the city. When he received the message from YMH informing him of the need for assistance by the Prison, he figured it would be faster to just quickly finish off his target and teleport back to the Bounty Assignment Hall after, rather than turn back from where he had been, especially given how close both the Prison and Bounty Assignment Hall were.