Chapter 449 - Emergency Protocol

The sharpest spear and the strongest shield.

The moment the Shadowmist Assassin's dagger pierced that strongest shield, a blow from the sharpest spear connected to its head.

The Chiwave Shield instantly shattered the moment the Shadowmist Assassin's attack connected, but it was at least able to serve as some defense, allowing Eternal Dominion to more calmly use his kung fu to mitigate that strike.

Using strength to mitigate strength; the principle behind Dragon Swallowing the Clouds was that simple, but outsiders had no idea just how to utilize it and mitigate an attack. Even though this was just a game, and their opponent was a NPC, be it a player or a NPC, every action within the game had to follow the laws of physics. While there were occasions where it might go against common sense, it would not be totally nonsensical overall.

That was why this attack from the Shadowmist Assassin could be mitigated by Eternal Dominion's efforts.