Chapter 455 - City Hall Courtyard

"It's really difficult to relay information like this. Why don't we meet up?" Yan Xiaozhu asked.

Gu Fei thought that Yan Xiaozhu seemed to have an understanding of the situation and was about to ask if she had the time to meet up, so when she suggested it herself, he was naturally more than delighted to.

Since the matter of inquiry was related to the Government City Hall, the two of them decided to meet up right outside the entrance to that building for convenience's sake.

The entrance he was pointing out was the gates right by the Government City Hall's courtyard, where a single guard stood in place. Players were allowed to have access to this large courtyard, but permission was required to enter the Government City Hall itself. Gu Fei was the first to reach the gates of the courtyard, proceeding to stand right in the middle of them once he confirmed that Yan Xiaozhu was not there yet.