Chapter 562 - Unable to Dodge

With Sakurazaka Moony, Blue Ease, and Fireball, each taking a bolt to their heads, the three appeared to have been tagged with a label as they revealed a unanimous look of horror on their faces. It was evident that the sudden and precise shot had left the three quaking in their boots.

"Quickly, take cover!" Gu Fei yelled at the three men. Broken Water Arrow's marksmanship was comparable to Gu Fei's skill when it came to PvP, and it was something well beyond the level that existed for most players. Especially since the game provided a certain level of assistance to any players making ranged attacks, this design only made it that much easier for Broken Water Arrow to feel like a fish in the water when firing his bolts. Seeing the three consecutive shots made, even the three targets themselves did not seem to realize what had just happened.