Chapter 575 - A Repeat of the Plan Except…

Across the mercenary channel of Young Master's Elite, Young Master Han was collating the information from the other three members.

"I had visual on Southern Lone Blade, but I lost him soon after. The man is cautious – very professional…" Royal God Call said.

"I understand," Young Master Han said in response.

"What are you trying to say, huh!" Royal God Call was miffed. "I really lost sight of him after he rounded a corner in the street."

"Have you identified which street it is that you lost him?" Young Master Han asked.

In the end, it was Sword Demon who answered. "Royal's poor sense of direction isn't to blame. Southern Lone Blade is indeed hard to keep track of. Even I came across him, but I lost him soon after as well. The man is very careful. He often takes the winding roads and has plenty of gear ready to change in and out of."