Chapter 587 - Do Not Even Think Of Trying Anything With Me Around

"That guy…" Southern Lone Blade had truly forgotten about Fleeting Smile's existence. Actually, Silver Moon's guess before was not off the mark; Southern Lone Blade and the others had already resolved not to pick up any request related to Thousand Miles Drunk. Unfortunately, they still ended up meeting someone who intended to eliminate Thousand Miles Drunk. Having felt that outrightly rejecting that man's request back then would be far too discouraging to the other party, he gave them the vague chance as a show of support, which was why he had casually quoted the five-digit figure of 20,000 gold coins.

A single level for 20,000 gold coins! This insane price he had quoted made Southern Lone Blade feel a little embarrassed; Glue even privately messaged him, asking if he had gone insane back then.