Chapter 773 - Bounty Register

Gu Fei's Faction now looked like it was affiliated with the guards found in the City Hall, and its members were considered to be working as civil servants, and that Bounty License was proof of his identity. Presently, the reward the Faction had given him was actually this Bounty License of his, which left him really disappointed.

He took out his Bounty License from his dimensional pocket for a look. Consecutively promoting his grade by 2, it did indeed seem different from before. At the very least, he could sense that it had gotten heavier. Upon closer inspection, it seemed like the hardcover leather bound book that he once possessed was now completely resealed in gold, while the words and images in every page were now vividly etched. Even the cover and back of his book were now polished till they shone, capable of reflecting light if raised to the sun.