Chapter 784 - Goal

Deep Waters' question stunned Brother Assist. He did not take note of where the man from the workshop had gone either, or in other words, no one from the guild had paid special attention to him. Most players did not really have a favorable impression toward workshops, after all.

"I wasn't paying any attention to him," Brother Assist was thinking hard as he knitted his eyebrows hard. "When we started dealing with the disorganized mob, I'm certain he wasn't with any of the three speedster teams you guys were a part of. He most likely must have been mixed in with us… And then after that, when we got surrounded, everyone was panic stricken, so I've completely forgotten that he existed."

"So did I, d*mm*t." Deep Waters was despondent, feeling like such an incident should not have happened while he was around. He had always held a deep resentment and disgust toward people who were affiliated with workshops, so how could he have forgotten to keep an eye on that person?