Chapter 847, one step at a time

The scale of this poaching was so large that it was no longer a secret in the studio circle. Yun Teng’s identity could not be hidden forever and had long been exposed. For such a studio that was not considered top-notch to have such boldness, many studios were astonished. For Ying Qi to be messed with, the colleagues who had nothing to do with it were naturally gloating. However, Yun Teng’s methods were not popular after all. Everyone began to pay attention to this studio, in case they were also tricked one day. On the other hand, the bosses of the big studios were more at ease. They knew the limits of the studio’s current development. Yun Teng had almost swallowed all of Ying Qi’s characters in one go, and he had even offered better treatment than Ying Qi, with the size of their studio, it was very difficult to digest this information. Some people even did not believe in this poaching storm..