Ancient Family 2/2

The Godfarmer house is not a house made by mutants, but the house of the best farmers there are. The house owned an island as large as the size of God plateau, just to plant some fruit trees.

The houses house bought 25 hectares of land just for planting grains. Seizing another island for planting grapes to make their best wines. The Godfarmer house is also th house of the greatest merchant and the richest that is made in Hermes history.

The Godfarmer's main house is located in Foxgod country. After another 150 years, the Godfarmer grew farther, the land they own is enough the house 300,000 families, and the money they earn is enough to buy a whole country. The money they earned is used to invest for more lands. The Godfarmer house has is also has 18,000 members.

They are not slacking, every minute is money to them.

After a few years the money they earned is already used up, but just after a year. The money they spend has been tripled. They use half of the money to support the Foxgod country. Foxgod Country support slavery, this is because of the poverty. The Godfarmer decided to buy them all. They feed them, they educated them and they train them. The Godfarmer house support a herd of slaves totaled to 100,000-150,000. The few of them become two beast Gene Mutant. Most of them become one beast Gene Mutant. Then the rest become farmers.

Every 5 years the Godfarmer, is buying out slaves. 300 years pass and the Godfarmer becomes the Foxgod countries largest faction. They control the growth of the country. Everything is calm and collected, no one dares to oppose them. Suddenly a war broke out. The warriors the Godfarmer house produce was put into the front lines. The war spread into other country. What the reason? It's famine. The population growth is to fast. The war's target is clearly the Godfarmer.

Because of the strength the Godfarmer have built. Many countries failed. The infiltrators send 1000 one beast mutants, the Godfarmer will sent 10,000 of them. The Godfarmer currently is an entity that everyone is afraid of. The strongest faction in the continent.

Because the war is not going to stop soon the Godfarmer house was enrage and decided to launch an offense instead of defense. After 10 years. The Godfarmer won the war, but the resources they save have been used up. The farmlands needs to cultivate properly, a lot of blood showered the land and may affect the plants. The only source they can use now is the fruits from the grew in few islands. But right now they have more serious problem. The warriors they support for hundreds of years are cut to half.

After the war the Foxgod leader decided to make a big action. He started to suppress the country that lose to them. They kill their presidents on front of his own people. They kill the governors and, and ask the sheriff to surrender. This move was lasted for 40 years. They unite every faction in The whole continent and make a new power house. The Foxgod continent. Their story uniting forces of the whole continent spread overseas. The news makes their spine to shiver. The Godfarmer house is too dangerous. But what can they do.

The Foxgod continent, then started to recover from the war. They build three different school, school of combat, school of Mutation, and school of farming. This school make the Godfarmer knowledge about everything useless.

The government is simply trying to lessen the Godfather's influence in the continent.

They then found an association that will handle the mutants. They put a large amount of effort to find a way to calculate how strong do they need to mutate with a second gene, the third gene, forth forth forth until the ninth gene. This research has cost a lot of money, and of course life. After the ninth gene, every time the mutants try to devour another gene, there's nothing happened, they discover how many gene does a single entity can have, a total of 9 genes, after that, they also found out how much physical power a person have to get another mutation.

100 kiloforce, 300 kiloforce, 600 kiloforce, 1000 kiloforce 3000 kiloforce, 6000 kiloforce, 10,000 kiloforce 50,000 kiloforce 80,000 kiloforce, they can increase their strength until 99,999 kiloforce, beyond that they believe it's the limit of mutants and need to ascend to become a god. They determine the level of their body cultivation as low rank, then the middle rank and high rank. Each rank is divided to three categories, the beginner, Intermediate and advance. They also discover another way to gain strength, it's Through taking in the same species as the gene they already have.

In this experiment the association has maid 72 rank 9 mutants. But experiment continue, they find out that if they have a gene with similarities, it will raise it's effectiveness, like if they gain a gene from 3 different reptile with they will gain an unimaginable strength.

Imagine Iguana's tail whip, partner with Titanoboa's suffocation? Turning into a giant snake, the tail will then the tail's scales will be divided to smaller scale, after the scale hardens and use tail whip. Imagine how strong the force of the attack is?

The association most important member is the Godfarmer, they provide the money they need for this experiment, and also the warriors that was transformed into 9 rank mutant is their people.

After so many years of experiment they have another discovery. There is a force call the mental energy. Because the gene they are experimenting now is the 'Poison bullet'. After a trial and error, they find out that those who pass the training of brain can use the gene, even if they are not body cultivators they still can mutate their saliva, also they can mutate their lungs to breath a giant ball of fire. But this need a lot of life, because like physical mutation they also explode if not hit the desire power to mutate.

Year 2000 just like the discovery of mutation, the technology also improve. They discover the gasoline a flammable material. They discovered engine and likes who need gasoline. After engineers are discover everything becomes easy. The first build a boat that automatically move with use of engines. They use this boat to migrate to other continents.

Why do they need to find a new land? Cause after years of experimentation they finally exhaust the mental beast on their forest. Unlike Physical beast, mental beast are rare.

But what await them in the new continent are stronger and stranger kind of beast. This made the experiment continues, and everything the world know because of the association of Foxgod. The other continents have spied on them, but they were found out and forced to surrender.

They also invented the electricity, The fire is too dangerous if they are sleeping. So the discovery of electricity help them see in the dark. Bulb light are discovered after that. The road is now made of cement. The way of transportation is made of metal with the power of engines, they call it vehicles. After vehicles the mutants want to fly, there are few mutants who can fly. How about the other? The invention of Airplane maid it possible.

A few century have pass, the Godfarmer is the only the ancient family that is existing, the other family habe been trown away by new and stronger family. Only remnants of the family are now existing.The Godfarmer were suppress by the government. And now are an ordinary official of village at the country side. The village was near the ocean. The village is the nearest living area to the Eerie island, a haunted island that whoever pass through it never live, It is one of the forbidden 'place that the world government declared !" After the old man state the story he brush his mustache and beard. "Now you know the story of our family ? Ha ha, we are a living evidence of the existence of our ancient family." He stroke the head of a little girl age 10-11years old.

The girl pouted and cross her arms" hmpp! Grandpa I still can't understand! Your story has so much side stories inside! You will be sidetracked and then teleport to the story again!!" Her red colored eyes are big, small mouth, a porcelain like skin,little nose and red silky hair. "Grandpa, stop patting me, mom will be mad again if she saw my messy hair." Her eyes glow and looks like going to cry, her big red eyes glow like a ruby.

"Haha, it's okay I will tell her that It's my fault. Go back to your room. Like you, I myself can't understand it! that is the story that I heard from my grandfather, haha, the only thing I understand is we are an ancient family! Hahaha!" The old man laugh out loud and send his granddaughter out.


"Chen, get ready! are you done with the preparation? make sure she is safe when the fight has erupt." The old man pull his sword,"Tonight the Ancient Godfarmer Family, will either win the fight, or has her as our last hope. ha ha ha!"