Anthive Country

8:00 Pm

In the capital of Anthive Country, Antbee. In a 300 story building Ruszie is taking a nap when her phone rung.

"Hmm? Who is it?" Ruszie rub her eyes and sat on her bed. She stretch her body and went out of the window, "So secretive as ever ha?" She trow her phone on her bed and look at the sky.

A minute later the flying mutant armored in pitch black exoskeleton enter the window.

"So how is it? Did they survive,?"

The armored man took his camera and project a video." I did not manage to follow them, they flew towards the Eerie Island, of course according to our knowledge even a 9 rank physical mutant did not manage to come back alive, do you think they survive?"

"Hmm, Maybe they can survive, look." She stop the video and point on the old man who was just hit by the charge."He look at the direction of the island and Mutate to his Diamond tortoise. Also did you know the hero Ancient Butterfly? "

"Haist, of course, when I saw him appeared in the battle field I was shock! 200 years has pass and his appearance is still the same, expect for him weaker," He close the projector and open another video, "Take a look, His Sword dance is so epic!! His Blond Crab mutation really is so cool, and look at his crimson red wings. Researchers have try their best to search for this kind of Insect beast but failed. It's really is perfect match with the blonde crab!!!"

"Oh it looks like you were also one of his fanboy?" He took her phone on her bed and trow it on him. "He is a godfather, and his Butterfly mutation is from a Insect beast inside Eerie Island. That's my old man told us when he was drunk years ago. Send those videos on my mail."

"Hmm? Nope, I upload it first in my Zpipe channel. You can subscribe on my channel if you want to watch it, haha."

"Why not- Haist okay. Anyway we are going to Antbee university tommorow, I'll meet you on the gate of Foxgod Association's building once they release you. I'll be sleeping." She put her phone inside her coat and lay on her bed."Close the windows after you left okay?"

"Hmm, okay. Haist what a pity I can't own the video. Okay sis, check the front-page of the 'Hermes Mutants''s site. I'll send it to them anonymously!" He jump out of the window and vanished in the darkness.

"Hmp, damn fanboy! I also want a copy of those footage!! Hmp!" Suszie put the lights off and rest.


"Morning Criszel!!!!!!!!!!" A deafening voice can be hear inside the hotel's canteen. "You know what!? We'll be visiting the Antbee University for your enrollment today! You see! I'm a senior student in that university!"

"Hussh! Rune, you're so loud, please control yourself." Suszie put the tray of various food on the table and sit beside Criszel. "You see, the place we will be going is the best University of the country, and top 3 in the whole Hermes."

"Yeah! And your dear cousin is the current holder of the fastest mutation in the 'Intermediate Low Rank Mutant' division!!" She put a chicken leg on her mouth and stand up," Her mutation was also the first of its combination! Her genes boost her speed like wind, she travels on top of water surface like a water like as if it's nothing!! You know! that kind of feat can be only seen in the 'Bagginer Middle Rank Mutant' division!"

"W-wow, but big sister, if she is fastest on her division does that mean she has no defense or any offense? You see I read one of the book of my Great Grandpa's collection, If you focus on speed mutation you can surpass even 1 or 2 stage above yours!!" Criszel took out her necklace and show it to her. "I don't have grandpa's collection on me but I have this on me!!"

"Erg, you're right, she choose only speed type beast as her gene. Your great grandpa seems interesting can I have a copy of your files?" Rune took out her phone and a OTG, "You see I love reading books, you can insert your Nano chip on this device and it will copy everything on this device.!"

"Ahh, I'm sorry big sis," She pull her hand and hold her necklace tight, she pout and she whisper enough for the tree of them to hear. "You see, My great grandpa told me not to let anyone have this necklace."

"Hmm he's still alive? ha ha It must be good for you to meet your great grandpa." Ruszie who is eating cke early in the morning look at her and pinch her chicks. "Who's your great grandpa? Where is he now?"

"amm, he is currently inside the Eerie Island." Her clear eyes blink and look at Ruszie innocently.

"Eerie Island!!" Rune scream out of shock, everyone in the canteen was looking at her right now. After she discover her current situation her face reddened, she approach her cousin and whisper. "Is that true? How can your grandpa live inside Eerie Island? You see, the Eerie Island is one of the most dangerous place in the world, the whole island is shrouded by fog all seasons! Neither researchers nor Explorers want to approach the island Everyone who try never come back."

"No! You see, my grandpa was in the island and probably survive. I don't know the whole story but father and grandpa fight a strong person yesterday and was sent in that island."


"Y-y-you little. How do you know that!" Ruszie drop her fork and look at her intensely.

"A-a-auntie too close! You see I hear you talking to someone last night." Her innocent eyes did not blink and "Auntie can I borrow your phone, I want to know what Ancient Butterfly looks like!"

"kuuhokk! You! Haist, your so cute and innocent! Rune, don't let this story spread, norhing good happens if they find out her identity." He took a last bite and stand, Little Del finish your food we'll be going."

"Yosh! amm, auntie can I watch? You see I have some of grandpa's old clips here!" She took out another necklace a bit flashier than her previous one, and smile innocently.

"Kuuuhhakk! You little,*Gulp* O-okay I will show you after our schedule today." Her hands were trembling in excitement after a while she realize something (I was manipulated!!!!) She look at Criszel to find her holding Runes hands.

"Say Big sister, You hear what auntie said right? She will show me the fight of Ancient Butterfly right? She's not lying right?" She tightens her grip and pull her down near her face.

Rune begin to tremble with excitement she hug Criszel tightly giggling. "Y-yesh!! Auntie never lies you see!! Let's go!"

Ruszie look at the scene and ask herself (She's still a child right? S-she's so cunning!!! I will punish her sometime)


In front of the gatebof the university.

"Good morning Professor Doofaes! Why are you here? Did you say you will be exploring inside the Fire ant forest?" Ruszie was puzzled. "Did something happened?"

"Ho ho! A Rose hah? Yes, the explorer back out last minute. Once I said that the focus our exploration was to study the new discovered Antbee Hive, He trembled and piss himself!! Now I need to hire someone else!!"

"Ha ha! that's epic!! Since you're here let's go inside together! We will enrolled this liitle one today and get her first beast from the queen!" Ruszie pulled Criszel's small hands and show her to the professor, "Look, she's direct descendant!"

"Oww!" He put his glass on and look at her closely. "Is this girl,... her daughter?" He look at Ruszie and knitted his brows. He see her nodding. He stand up straight and put a serious sure around him. "She's not from this country, her smell are different!"

"Ha ha, please don't be like this! She has been isolated in the shore of Foxgod Continent since till now. We just arrive yesterday so, her smell is still fishy!"

"Ruszie, you know the queen! She won't let someone with different smell near her! She will die just after her first step on the Queen's Palace!"

"You don't need to worry! I know what I'm doing!" she looks at her niece and lift her up! "Let's go?"

"Auntie whose Queen we are meeting?" She was confuse because in her memories in the land of Hermes, there is only president and minister running each country.

"Little Del, did you know the Anthive country is one of strongest country. You know why? Because 67% of its population is mutants!! The remaining 33% is those who is not at the right age yet!! The name of this country is Anthive because the whole country is filled with Antbee! A Insect beast with the appearance of an ant that when become adult it reach 2-3 inch long! They also called bee because their colony is like those hive of a bee!

" The country also have the law that everyone should have tame one of this insects! Because it's mutation will produce an exoskeleton armor that will protect us.

" hundreds of years ago, the country have only one Intelligent Queen, They ask her permission to have his child tame by the people in exchanged they will protect them! She accepted it, but she will only agree to those who is from the country! At first the people from other country try to slip, but the queen knows the smell of our country! She kill the guy immediately! No one was able to stop her!

"And today we are going to meet the queen!!"