The training

That night Criszel and Aomixi was satisfied. The food that's serve on the table were mainly sweets. Different types of cakes and honey.

Despite their size the two of them managed to stuff everything on their mouth.

Unknown to others, the banquet has poke the attention of other family in the area.

Somewhere else, two shadows on top of a tower was conversing. "What's this? Ei fatty! Did the Rose family decided to join the Blucrab?"

"No, It looks like they are throwing a banquet."

He mutated to his black antbee and spread his wings."Hmmm... Let's take a look! It should be something good that the Rose family will do something like this."

The fatty just look at him and scratch nape."Young master, your older brother and your youngest sister just came back from the Rose Residence! "

"Hug? Why did you not tell me then!!?"

Fatty bow his head "I'm sorry Young master. Your older brother is unconscious. Only because your sister is there that they manage to escape."

Astonished with the story he pinch his chin and close his eyes. "How about you hawk eyes?"

"The first one that use hawk eye was shot with sniper on his head young master!"

"Did you already tell the head about this?"

"Young Master, the eldest had inform the family head. The family head just came back with tattered clothes and bruises on his body!"

"Woah woah! it looks like they are hiding something that they don't want the public know!!" He released his mutation and sat on the roof like sightseeing a beautiful light show "Hmm anyway where is Elder Brother?"

The fatty was drenched with sweat being question. He took out a piece of towel to dry himself. " This young master. The head is mad and took him to the room of torture!!"

"Ahmm... let's just watch"


"Hmm.. That's the sound of the queen!!!"

After hearing the screech was heard all of the rooftops of different house was filled with shadow!!

After all their senses was telling them all to kneel on the presence of it!

The whole city suddenly full of murmuring warriors.

"The queen is in the house of Rose!"

"Which queen? My soldier Antbee only felt a bit of suppression."

"Moron that'd that's not an oppressing sound but sound that telling us to celebrate this event!!"


In the house of Rose a Criszel and Aomixi was currently resting on a luxurious looking room.

The door was guarded tightly and shadow can be found in its window.

The blue mother star of the planet Hermes started to dissolve the darkness. Blue rays of the sunrise touches the skin of the little girl and the Antbee Queen.

"Hhhmmmmmm!" Stretching her arms Criszel woke up and rub her eyes. "Aomixi!! Good morning!!"

"Good morning sister!!"

"...." (She's talking right?)

"...Don't look at me like that sister, I feel weird!"

"Wahhh!!! You. can speak!!" She hugged Aomixi and lift her up.

"Of course I can!! I'm a Queen after all!! I just don't want the Normie's hear me talking!!"

"Wwooohh!!" Her was sparkling, she rub her cheeks on Aomixi's head. She get up of her bed and walk to her cabinet. She took out a vial of honey and open its cork. "Aomixi want this!!? I have this when I pick you up from the great Queen!!!"

"Hmm. No maybe after a month sister. I'm still young the energy on that vial was so dense!"

"Hmm.. okay let's go and eat sweets!!!"

At the kitchen.

Criszel was looking at her auntie, her eyes was like 'Where's the sweets? why only Aomixi have sweets?'

Helpless about the situation, Ruszie bow her head and sigh "My queen please forgive me, but you can't eat sweets everyday. Your teeth will decay faster if you eat to much."

Dissatisfy she pouted her lips and took one egg and bread. "Auntie please don't call me like that." She then get near to Aomixi and whisper to her. "Aomixi, how about you give me some honey syrup?"

"..slurp!" After hearing her word Aomixi slurp every drop of honey on the table. She then look at her with innocence as if saying 'Oh, you want some too?'

"My queen if you want me not to call you like that please train your body and get ready to be merge with her Majesty."

"Okay, but auntie can I have sweets snacks later!?"

"Of course if you train I will go make a cake My queen!"

"Yeah.. Aomixi let's go and train!!!" She was going to get off the chair when she remember something. "Auntie, how is the children from the house of Godfarmer?"

"It's... They are sent to a university my queen." She bow her head and though (She really love eavesdropping.)

She smile and dragged Aomixi out of the room and went to their room. "Aomixi, do you know any fire power or any ice power? I read to grandpa's book that simultaneously using Cold weather and Hot weather can temper our body."

"Of course this queen has both of them! Inside my body dwells the gene of an Lava ant and a Icybee!! Also they're both from royalty!!"

"Wooee! Alright! Burn me and freeze me simultaneously!!"

"No you'll die silly sister!! You should first get your own training room first!! You also should tell them to make a 2 container for you to bath!!"

"Ehh? why should I bath in training room?"

Aomixi make her left antenna produce liquid like material that is burning hot! Then shoot into the window

Burgggge. There is no force on the attack but it melt the glass!

"See? We will use heated water and icy water as your training material!"

Criszel was daze for a moment, she then pull Aomixi out of the room.

In the training area.

"Hmm? Someone enter."

"Hmm. Shit kneel you moron!"

Criszel was tiptoeing in the direction of the middle age man. She is holding the queen antbee on her hands while humming.

"My queen, what's make you visit this place? This place is only for barbaric people we are training."

She stop and sit to face the man. " Uncle, can I ask where I can find a private room?"

"Please this way." He stand up and step back a little. He went inside the dojo and to lead the two. " This dojo has 3 different rooms. We have gravity rooms, Supersonic rooms, Water pressure room. The Gravity and water pressure room is created to cultivate body and the supersonic room are created to train the mind. Please pick anything into your liking."

Criszel smile and sat on the floor" Uncle, is there an empty room? You see, just a little room and please make a container I can use as bath!! The container must be made out of something that can't be burn so easily!! and one of them should be able to hold an ice cold water!"

The man was astonished. He already guess the training she was going to use. It was certainly best way to cultivate the body without building a buffy body! The only downside of the process is need a lot of resources.

The fire needed to be maintain everyone. Either wood or electricity it was wasteful. Same as cold water because it is not easy to make the temperature stable.

"Y-yes we have an old room with your description but, we don't have that much resources my Queen."

Criszel's eyes shine and lift Aomixi. " Look here uncle!! You see she can use fire and ice and we are going to train for a month!"

"I-it will be possible. Please this way." He lead them to a room with line up chairs. There is someone else inside the room.

" Sis Reindis ! Auntie Zuzu! Your here! I'm sorry I forgot to say thank you yesterday. I'm too hungry so I forgot. Thank you!!"

""" It's our pleasure my Queen. """

Then Reindis "Your Majesty this Knight of yours will be living today please don't forget me. I'll be your classmate in the university!"

Criszel already know that she'll be going from the start so she took out a shiny red stone from her pocket. "Sis you said you're my friend not my Knight!? Here take this stone. It's not special but this is the most beautiful stone I have. I hope you call me on my name when we enter the university."

She look around but only found her aunt Russia, not Rune.

"My queen my daughter went in the wild for training." Ruszie said.

"Oh.. I hope she's okay. I'll be going auntie!"

She then follow the middle age man to another room. The room was filled with luxurious furniture. In the middle is a table filled with tower of files.

"Head Instructor, her majesty is here."

The old man with gray hair stood up " Hmm!? My queen, Is there something I can do for you?"

" Grandpa I want to have a private room with two baths."

The old man smiled and bow, "Ho ho, so her majesty want to cultivate with that room. It's too expensive but we will cover the expenses." He pick up the telephone on the table and dial a number.

"Head instructor, her Majesty Aomixi have both skills of Ice and fire, so there's no need. The room only need a to be clean. Plus a clean water, and medical supplements after her training."

He stop for a second and continue to dial and give instructions. " ha ha, I see your majesty will be a great mutant one day. Please use the room as long as you want."

"Thank you grandpa!!"


9:30 AM

"This is the place, we did everything we can in the shortest amount of time we can."

The building is full of moss but inside, the wall is painted blue and the in the center is a tub with crystal clean water. "Woow, I will be training here for a month? Nyice!"

The two of them enter the building, the servant then close the door. Outside the building the guards position their selves.

" Aomixi, let's start!! "

" hoo, Sis you don't have to rush everything." she look on the in the tub, and there is a screen with a bar and numbers at the side. "This thing is apparatus to measure the temperature?"

She shot some lava on the bottom of the tank beside the tub. The bar started to rise, from 20 until 40.

"Sis check the water!!"

"Wooohh!! It's hot but I can still bath!!"

She did not even took her clothes and slowly dip her body inside the tub, her body started to flash in red color.

An hour later Aomixi pull her out of the water. "Look? You need to cool yourself okay?" She then threw her inside the tub.

"Waaahhhh!!! So cold!!" Criszel who is losing her consciousness suddenly become alive and try to go out of the tub.

"Sister, please don't go out of the water. You said this way we can merge after a month!!"

"Muu! Okay.. Grrrrr!!! So cold>....< I want to eat sweet!!"

After a day she walk out of the building while swaying from left to right.

Heating her body and cooling it down gives her body a stress. She eat a lot of sweet and went to her room. The melted window was now replace with a new one.

The next day she woke up a bit late. She took her breakfast and went to her private training room. This time she was with a female servant who have a big basket of food for her whenever she got out of the bath.

The hellish training started again.