Red twilight Demon of the Flowers chapter 33

Chapter 33 Evil Book Part 5

Antiquing, in the upper middle class, is as good of a way as any other to prove your stripes. Parma and Artus Mus are siblings, brother and sister to be particular. Parma is the elder by ten months, He and his sister have a healthy relationship, some even describe it as in unhealthy one. They went to the same school. Took the same classes, when Parma moved out to start college, Artus fell into a sickening depression for the several months before she could follow.

Parma spent six years studying to become a laboratory technician, Artus had hoped to do the same but ended up following a different path instead find she had a knack for veterinary medicine. The two of them found work in the town of La'sur, bought a house together not long after.

Parma tries to act the way a young sexy 'doctor' should act, bringing home girls regularly, he has a new live-in roommate every 18 months, but Artus is his true love, and there is nothing he can do to hide that.

Artus has a passion for trying to look good in front of her community, to that end, the sibling spend their Saturdays in the summer searching for craft shows, estate sales and a fleet stores looking for anything that looks old and valuable to dress up their din.

As the par dig around on a table of collectibles for sale at a craft sale in st. Peter, the next city over from La'sur, Artus holds up an egg-shaped glass doll "what's this thing?"

"Matryoshka" Parma explains.

"it worth anything you think?"

"$20-$40" Parma shrugs as he shifts around some knitted blankets.

"looks like a mouse, I like it." Artus giggles.

Parma brings one hand up and tugs on one ear hearing an irritating sound mumbling nearby. Parma turns his head searching for the sources of the sound. The noise draws him to a bookshelf housing a few dozen leatherbound books with gold trimming. When he puts his hand on a particularly tattered looking book wedged between a par that are in shockingly good shape the noise stops abruptly.

The tattered book has sunspots on the cover, water damage on the spine, and a sweat-and-sours stink is resonating from it. There seems to be no title, but sometimes older books don't have the title on the cover. Parma is about to open the old book to take a peek at the cover page when Artus yells over to him, "look, a bronze backed mirror." Parma tucks the old book under his arm following his sister.

Parma rubs his eyes dizzily after they have been walking around for some time, a whisper in his mind cohering him, pushing him towards unsavory thoughts 'long, thick, platinum hair, concaved stomach, tight ass. You sure that is your sister marshmallow? God, she has a nice backside, breast a little too high and tight for my taste but the rest looks fine.'

Artus notices Parma staring at her as she is leaning over a box of stuffed toys, she places her feet slightly apart and wiggles her hips teasingly "something wrong doctor?" she smiles looking over her shoulder at her brother.

"I think I need a drink, grab that mirror, and that wall scroll and let's call it a day." Parma rubs his eyes and hisses experiencing some level of discomfort.

Artus stands up straight approaching Parma concern heavy on her face, "hand me the keys, I'll drive us back." Parma nods hand over the keys to their truck. "oh, I also like that short bow. I think I will get that also."

The trip home is short and sweat, their house is one of the more beautiful homes on their block, on one end of their street is a church, on the other is a school, the house is on a hill, the church at the dale, the school on the crest. Artus is the type of person that can't help but bring her work home with her, the whole second story of their home is filled with cages and animals of all sorts that she has rescued, mice, rats, crows, cats, dogs, even a hand full of exotic reptiles.

As the two of them enter the house Parma's current partner is asleep on the Livingroom floor, she is a younger girl named Junny Elray, Jun for short; Parma picked her up at a barista. Jun is a poet; she is struggling like so many others to find real work in the field she loves, the truth being what it is the two of them find themselves in a relationship of conveniences. Jun needs a place to live, Parma provides that, and in return, Parma gets a girl seven years younger than him to mess around with, Jun gets to tell her friends she is with an older man that takes care of her, Parma gets to bost to his friends that he scored an artist. In the end, not that bad of a deal for anyone, and strange as it is seeing that Parma was honest about what was going on with Artus, Artus is just fine with the circumstances as well.

Artus takes Parma upstairs to get showered and relax, whispering echoes in the back of Parma's mind bringing him some amount of pain 'will you look at that, your sister has all sorts of fun stuff up hear marshmallow, I'm going to have all sorts of fun here.'

Parma looks about trying to find the source of the whispers "Artus, is there someone here outside of us?"

"Jun." Artus looks confused.

"no, I thought I heard someone else, an older woman maybe."

Artus shacks her head "you don't look good at all, take a shower and lay down."

Parma nods thinking about it. "I hear cats can transmit parasitic infections to humans. I hope I didn't contract Purple-eyed Broodsack from one of your cats."

Artus chuckles slapping Parma on the rump, "you work in a chem-lab, you are just as likely to have caught Rynfields Disorder from one of your co-workers."

Parma steps into the bathroom, he wipes sweat from his face then steps into the shower. The disembodied voice that had been following him since the craft show nearly shouts at Parma 'Are you going to keep ignoring me?! You are starting to piss me off.'

"Who are you? Where are you?" Parma start to become distraught

'Thank you marshmallow, but you don't need to talk out loud if you think in my direction I can hear you. My name is Eevee, I am a Shinigami, and I am here to bring your dreams to life.'

Parma whispers "Like some jinn?"

'something like that.' Eevee whispers to Parma.

Parma smile somewhat interested by the prepossession "ok Shikigami what are the rules to this game? what does it cost? What do I get? And what do you get?"

Eevee, laughs hideously 'Finally, someone that gets me.' There is a short pause as Eevee seem to think about it 'there are a lot of things I can do, but creating something from nothing is not amongst them, you tell me you want something, I need to go out and find it, or make it from whatever is laying around. I am a creature of the night, that is not to say I can't walk around in the day; clearly, I am here talking to you right now, but at night I am stronger. I am a transmuter, that should tell you a lot right there. I am here looking to have fun, if whatever you say sounds fun I will play along if not, you are going to have a bad time.'

"Transmuter? I don't understand." Parma expresses

'I turn things into other things, I can also manipulate thoughts and invade dreams.'

Parma's eyes almost burn with greed, "Ok Eevee, show me how it works."

Eevee shrieks in laughter 'this is going to be the most fun I have had yet.'

Parma falls over in crippling pain; his hand twists into claws, he shrinks to about a third his height, a long thick prehensile tail springs from his tailbone, knees invert, fangs grow out followed by whiskers and a sharp snout. Parma crawls out of the shower and pulls himself up onto the sink to look at himself in a desperate attempt to piece together what has happened. Parma strikes the mist from the mirror to reveal he has become a monster that is something between a man and a kangaroo rat, pouch included. Eevee whispers to Parma 'A am going to drink your soul over the next three days, you are a dead man, but, you are going to have a really good time before I drink the last of the sticky soul juice form you. there is a jive ass wizard out there I am going to wack once I am done with you beautiful.' Eevee was banished to the mist by Loki and sealed in a book. But Parma has no way of knowing that. Eevee smiles, if Parma is as hungry as he looks, this marshmallow will give her all the energy she will need to break Loki's spell.

Parma has barely begun to process what has transpired before the bathroom door opens, Artus crawls on all fours into the bathroom in a matching rat like shape, her eyes wide and clouded. Parma jumps down to meet with Artus, it not yet registering with him that they are both nude and no longer human. "I,…I don't know what I just did," Parma explains.

Artus fail to replay; her eyes lock with her brothers as she places both hands on his chest pushing Parma over. Eevee continues laughing, her laughter becoming evermore hysterical. Artus crawls forth standing over Parma; her slick body rubs across him, one of her hands slides down his body gripping him by the crouch.

Parma cannot resist his sisters advance; he doesn't even try. A bestial lust overtakes the two of them, Parma's hands find Artus back, he holds her to his body, once Artus has forced Parma into her body everything else fades into a blackout, only the need for lust remaining.